@mastersthesis{digilib61836, month = {August}, title = {PEMIKIRAN ATIYYAH SAQAR TENTANG WANITA KARIER}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 20203012071 Rusdiyanto}, year = {2023}, note = {Pembimbing: Dr. Lindra Darnela S.Ag. M.Hum.}, keywords = {Pemikiran A{\d t}iyyah {\d S}aqar, Wanita Karier, A{\d t}iyyah {\d S}aqar.}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/61836/}, abstract = {The involvement of a woman in society as a career woman has drawn various thoughts from religious leaders, some for and against. As for the sharia division of work space for each man and woman, it is not a limitation for career women. Including A{\d t}iyyah {\d S}aqar's fatwa on career women which stipulates career rights for women can even be a flexible choice in all sectors outside the realm of government. A{\d t}iyyah's thinking is different from the thoughts of other scholars, both those who are pro towards career women and those who are against. So that A{\d t}iyyah {\d S}aqar's fatwa is interesting to study, because his fatwas have had a lot of influence on the lives of Muslim communities in the world, both through print and electronic media, especially in Egypt, and discussions about career women are still a hot and actual academic discussion today. Therefore, this study examines A{\d t}iyyah {\d S}aqar's fatwas or thoughts about the law of career women through the approach of the concept of legal istinba{\d t} in the science of usul fiqh. To explore A{\d t}iyah's thoughts on the legal status of career women, the researcher used a library research, namely studying the books Maus{\=u}'ah al-Usrah Taht{\=a} Ri'{\=a}yah al-Isl{\=a}m, Fat{\=a}w{\=a} wa Ahk{\=a}m al-Mar'ah al-Muslimah and Ahsanul Kal{\=a}m fi al-Fat{\=a}w{\=a} wa al-Ahk{\=a}m as primary data and other references as secondary data with qualitative methods. While the data analysis method used is normative with a descriptive-analytical nature. After conducting research, the researcher finally found the following results that A{\d t}iyyah {\d S}aqar's fatwa or thoughts about career women as a right that can be chosen in emergency conditions, as well as the legal elasticity of career women as a flexible choice, are in accordance with the concept of usul fiqh in legal istinb{\=a}{\d t}, namely the suitability of the argument used by A{\d t}iyyah with the concept of legal istinba{\d t} (explanation of the texts of the Koran and hadith based on linguistic or semantic rules) and the rules of legal change in the science of usul fiqh. The use of the concept of ijtihad can be categorized as one of the three ijtihad methods agreed upon by the Usul Fiqh scholars, namely the ijtihad Bay{\=a}n{\=i} method} }