%A NIM.: 19105010005 Naufal Dwi Putra Agusti %O Pembimbing: Ali Usman, M.S.I %T WACANA KEPEMIMPINAN PEREMPUAN DALAM KASULTANAN YOGYAKARTA DAN RELEVANSINYA DENGAN KESETARAAN GENDER DALAM ISLAM PERSPEKTIF AMINA WADUD %X The discourse on the appointment of the sultan's eldest daughter as the successor to the throne of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta is polemic. There are pros and cons among the public and relatives of the palace. This is because in the history of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta, a woman has never ruled. This is considered a violation of paugeran or the fundamental law of the kingdom by the relatives of the palace. However, in Amina Wadud's gender perspective, women have the same opportunity to become leaders as men. Islam views that every human being can become a leader based on their ability and proficiency in leading, regardless of gender. Based on this problem, the researcher formulates the following problems; 1. Why in the history of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta did not appoint women as kings, 2. How is the discourse on women's leadership by the Crown Princess of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta seen from Amina Wadud's gender perspective? The purpose of this research is to find out the succesion patterns of the kings of theYogyakarta Sultanate and understand Amina Wadud’s gender perspective in viewing women as leaders in the Yogyakarta Sultanate. The type of research used in this study uses descriptive-interpretative research. The data collection methods used are documentation and literature study. The primary sources used in this research are Amina Wadud's works including; Qur'an and Women (1992), and Inside the Gender Jihad: Women's Reform in Islam (2006). While the primary data used in exploring the issue of the Ngayogyakarta Palace is a book by Susilo Harjono entitled, Chronicle of the Succession of the Javanese Palace 1755-1989. Then, the secondary data used is sourced from books, scietific papers, and news articels that are relevant and accountable. The results obtained in this study found that Islam allows women to become leaders, whether in the domestic, social, political, cultural, or even religious spheres. As initiated by Amina Wadud, there is no prohibition in the Qur'an regarding women as leaders. However, the traditional patriarchal interpretation of the Qur'an seeks to downplay the leadership role of women. According to Wadud, women have the same rights and opportunities as men in becoming leaders, as long as they have the capacity and capability. In this case, GKR Mangkubumi has the right to become the sultan of Yogyakarta Sultanate. This is because she is considered to have the experience and ability to lead. %K Pemimpin Perempuan, Kasultanan Yogyakarta, Gender, Amina Wadud %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib61918