%A NIM.: 19105050059 Nurul Septiana Effendy Putri %O Pembimbing: Dadi Nurhaedi, S.Ag. M.Si. %T MAJELIS TAKLIM RIYADUL QUR’AN DAN PUASA RAJAB (STUDI LIVING HADIS) %X Rajab fasting is a form of worship which is classified as sunnah fasting. This research was conducted because of a tradition that was built on the basis of reception of hadith. So, it can be said that this tradition was formed because of an understanding of hadith. Therefore, the formulation of the problem raised in this study was made to see how the history of the Rajab fasting tradition, the rituals that occurred in it during the process of carrying out the Rajab tradition, and find out how the students' understanding of the Rajab fasting hadith is. This research is a type of field research (field research) which obtained qualitative data. The focus of this research is on the students at the Riyadul Qur'an Taklim Assembly who carry out the Rajaban tradition in it. This research was conducted for approximately two months by means of direct observation, conducting interviews, and collecting documentation. The main sources for this study were taken from field data, then interviews with Ustaz Aziz, Mrs. Elis, four students, and Mrs. Iik. From the data obtained, the author uses the theory of Living Hadith and also the theory of Alfred Schutz as a phenomenological approach to reveal the meaning that occurs in it, in theory Alfred Schutz has two motives, namelyBecause Motive (Motive Cause) and In Order To Motive (Purpose Motive) which also in this theory says that every action must have a cause behind it. From the research that has been conducted by the author at the Riyadul Qur'an Taklim Assembly, the results show that; First, the santri knew the hadith about Rajab fasting, which was obtained from Ustaz Aziz himself as the owner of the Taklim Riyadul Qur'an Assembly. The santri understand that in the implementation of the rajaban tradition, it departs from the Prophet's hadith, which has been done for generations, and the rituals performed in the rajaban tradition are still within the limits of Islamic teachings, such as reciting Al-Fātiḥah, beristigfar, recitation of Badr/Badriyah prayers, and prayers.Second, through Alfred Schutz's theory, stated that the implementation of the Rajaban tradition was due to maintaining the previously existing traditions and as a vessel for distributing alms, while the aim was to strengthen friendship and instill Islamic values within. %K Tradisi, Living Hadis, Puasa Rajab %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGAYOGYAKARTA %L digilib62014