%A NIM.: 19205010042 Ahmad Ulil Albab, S. Ag. %O Pembimbing: Dr. Hj. Adib Sofia, S.S., M.Hum. %T MODIFIKASI QIRA’AT AL-SAB’AH DALAM MANUSKRIP MUSHAF AL-QUR’AN PURA PAKUALAMAN (KAJIAN FILOLOGI DAN INTERTEKSTUALITAS) %X Innovation in the copying of the Qur’an is included in the category of modern philology where innovation as a creation that continues to develop provides a variety of colors for the needs of its scope. Qur’anic manuscript of Pura pakualaman with code Is.1 contains a comprehensive body of knowledge ranging from codicology to textology, especially diacritical signs in the form of vowels, tajwid signs and qirā’āt signs. One of the uniqueness of this manuscript is that it has diacritical marks in the form of qirā’āt signs and optional vowels in red ink as an alternative reading of qirā'āt other than Imam ‘Āṣim narrated by Ḥafṣ so that the differences in qirā'āt have an influence on the interpretation of the Qur’an (morphology) and some do not affect the interpretation of the Qur’an (phonology). Research on qirā’āt al-sab’ah in philological studies, especially manuscripts of the Qur’an, generally has not been analyzed in depth. Therefore, the researcher studied based on the following problem formulation: first, modification of qirā’āt al-sab’ah in red ink on the Qur’anic manuscript of Pura pakualaman. Second, the existence of santri in Islamic trichotomy in the diacritical signs of qirā’āt al-sab’ah in the Qur’anic manuscript of Pura pakualaman. This research is included in the category of qualitative research with the primary source being the Manuscripts of the Mushaf of the Qur'an Pura Pakalaman with code Is.1 which has a diacritical mark of qirā’āt al-sab’ah in red ink. Data analysis in this study uses philological theory to provide a general description of the manuscript in terms of codicology and textology. While the principles used in the theory of intertextuality are: modification, parallel, haplology. Therefore, the analysis of the modification of qirā’āt al-sab’ah has implications for the position of Pura Pakualaman in the Islamic trichotomy in Java between abangan, santri and priyayi. The results of the study concluded that the intertextuality in the Qur’anic manuscript of Pura pakualaman in terms of codicology and textology with the Indonesian standard manuscripts contained in several principles: first, morphological modifications showed differences in qirā’āt which affected interpretation did not change the core message in the al-Qur' an. Meanwhile, phonological modifications that show differences in qirā’āt do not affect interpretation as one of the miracles of the Qur'an in accommodating various Arabic dialects. Second, parallel in the form of similarities in codicology and textology. Third, haplology which assumes the writing of mushafs is based on memorizing the Qur’an. Therefore, in the Islamic trichotomy on the island of Java, which positions Pura Pakualaman as an abangan group because it is located in an inland area which is in the Mataram area and is not on the path of preaching Wali Songo which is on the north coast of Java, it cannot be used as a foundation because even though it is in abangan domain and priyayi social groups. The scientific essence contained in Qur’anic manuscript of Pura pakualaman in the form of a diacritical sign qirā’āt alsab’ah in red ink indicates the existence of a santri or priyayi-santri. %K Manuskrip Al-Qur’an, Tanda, Qira’at Al-Sab’ah, Trikotomi Islam %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGAYOGYAKARTA %L digilib62022