%A NIM.: 07730021 Ririn Puspita Tuti Asri %O Pembimbing: Fatma Dian Pratiwi, M.Si %T PERAN HUMAS PEMERINTAH DALAM MENGEMBANGKAN POTENSI DAERAH KABUPATEN KULON PROGO %X Each region has a potential, both natural resources and human resources. Potential arcas of every region should be developed well s0 everybody will know. If the region have a good potential, the region will become prosperous and will get a positive image. Govemment needs to develop the potential of the region. Likewise, the govemment of Kulon Progo district should develop its potential ict must do the through public relations. Public relations of Kulon Progo di functions and the duties property by communicating the potential of the area s0 everybody will know. By doing it, public relations has a very big role in developing the potential of the region. With the public relations activities, the potential of the tegion can be lified by the mass media. Public relations of Kulon Progo district should have a strategy 10 create Ihe purposes of the government activities and ihe regional development. For examples, by expanding the development of the citizen to grow and enhance the image of local capabilities, encourage 10 reduce poverty, take an advantage from natural resources and human resources properly, and Conserve the environment. The activities, which the public relations do, will make a tole for developing the region potential to build an image for the government. The tole of government public relations is very important in introducing the potential of the region to the public. Public relations of the govermment do the duties, these are similar to the role of public relations by other companies, by making a good relation between the local govemmment and the community, and also between the investor and with other agencies who become the customers in every activities which the ns do. This will make the citizen build the region together according to public rel the mission of the government. %K Hubungan Masyarakat, Humas Pemerintah, Pembangunan Otonomi Daerah %D 2011 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib62450