%A NIM.: 21200011044 Muhammad Rouf Mustofa %O Pembimbing: Dr. Astri Hajarwati,S.Sos.,M.A %T ORANG TUA SPESIAL: DUKUNGAN SOSIAL MASYARAKAT, PENERIMAAN DIRI, DAN TINGKAT STRES DALAM PENGASUHAN ANAK BERKEBUTUHAN KHUSUS DI DAERAH ISTEMEWA YOGYAKARTA %X This study aims to determine how much influence between social support from the community, the level of self-acceptance and the level of stress experienced by parents who care for ABK. This study used a quantitative approach by applying a survey method, involving the participation of 98 parents who cared for children with special needs. The data obtained were collected through the use of questionnaires that included three rating scales, namely the social support scale, the self-acceptance scale, and the stress level scale. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistical techniques, correlation tests, and regression analysis to find out how these variables relate to each other. Research findings show that there is a positive and significant relationship between social support from the community and self-acceptance and parental stress levels in caring for children with special needs. Based on correlation analysis (Pearson Correlation), it is obtained that the relationship between people's social support (X1) and stress level (Y) has a calculated r value of 0.314, which exceeds the r value of the table (0.196). This shows that there is a significant relationship between community social support variables and the level of stress experienced by parents. Furthermore, the results of the analysis showed that the relationship between self-acceptance (X2) and stress level (Y) had a calculated r value of 0.498, which also exceeded the r value of the table (0.196). This shows that there is a significant relationship between selfacceptance variables and parents' stress levels in caring for children with special needs The results of the hypothesis analysis showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between two acceptable hypotheses, namely direct support and self-acceptance, and the stress level of parents caring for children with special needs. In-person support contributed 11.5%, while self-acceptance contributed 25% to parents' stress levels. However, the results also showed that the two rejected hypotheses, namely informational support and emotional support, did not have a significant relationship with parental stress levels in this context. However, this study has an important role to play in understanding which types of social support are more relevant to reducing the level of stress experienced by parents caring for children with special needs. %K community social support; self-acceptance; stress; parents ABK %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib62547