%A NIM.: 18102010015 Muhammad Ibrohim Zidni Ilma %O Pembimbing: Dr. Khadiq, S.Ag., M. Hum. %T KOMUNIKASI INTERPERSONAL MAHASISWA KKN 108 UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA DALAM MELAKUKAN LITERASI MASYARAKAT DI PADUKUHAN NGLEGOK KABUPATEN GUNUNGKIDUL %X This research aims to analyze the interpersonal communication of UIN Sunan Kalijaga students in their efforts to enhance community literacy in Padukuhan Nglegok, Gunungkidul Regency. Community literacy is a crucial element in increasing the knowledge and awareness of residents regarding relevant issues and information. In this context, interpersonal communication plays a central role. The research utilized a qualitative approach with observations, interviews, and document analysis as data collection techniques. The research participants were UIN Sunan Kalijaga students engaged in literacy activities. The research findings indicate that effective interpersonal communication is a key factor in the successful transfer of information and knowledge to the community. The study also identifies supporting factors, such as trust and mutual support between KKN students and the community, creating an environment that facilitates effective interpersonal communication. On the other hand, inhibiting factors include the introverted nature of some community members and differences in language, culture, and background. However, through efforts such as active listening, respect, and understanding, these inhibiting factors can be overcome. These findings have significant implications for understanding the role of interpersonal communication in community literacy efforts by KKN students. KKN students can take appropriate steps to create an open, supportive environment that respects differences, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of interpersonal communication and achieving the goals of the literacy program more effectively. Ultimately, this contributes to the improvement of community literacy. %K Komunikasi interpersonal, Mahasiswa KKN, Literasi masyarakat, UIN Sunan Kalijaga %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib62730