%A NIM.: 20202012006 Rini Ray Dhatul Jannah %O Pembimbing: Dr. H. Robby Habiba Abror, M.Hum %T PERBANDINGAN RETORIKA DAKWAH USTADZ MUHAMMAD ARIEF DAN USTADZ ALI UMAR DALAM MENSYIARKAN AGAMA ISLAM DI KANAGARIAN GUNUNG PADANG ALAI PADANG PARIAMAN %X Da’wah rhetoric can simply be explained as effective language skills in broadcasting religion (in this case Islam) and development among the community. This research aims to (1) describe the differnces in the preaching rhetoric of Ustadz Muhammad Arief and Ustadz Ali Umar in terms of ethos, pathos and logos; (2) describe the differences in rhetorical canons used; and (3) determine the elements of rhetorical content contained in both preachings. The presence of Ustadz Muhammad Arief and Ustadz Ali Umar with very different concepts, their language styles are also different, have their own characteristics and especially have made the meaning of the Islamic religion simple so that it is accepted by their mad’u. The method used in this research uses a descriptive analysis method based on the theory of preaching rhetoric. This method is used because it is accordance with qualitative research references. The descriptive analysis research method is a way of solving by describing an object. The objects depicted are limited to efforts to express a problem, situasion or every as it really is, so it uses facts. The techniques used to obtain transcription data for Ustadz Muhammad Arief and Ustadz Ali Umar preaching were listening, note-taking and documentation techniques. Data analysis techniques used to analyze or manage data collected or obtained from research are identification, classification, data presentation and analysis of preaching rhetoric. The research shows the following results. (10 The preaching rhetoric of Ustadz Muhammad Arief and Ustadz Ali Umar both use all aspects of persuasion tools in the form og ethos, pathos and logos. However, there are three or two aspects that Ustadz Muhammad Arief masters in terms of ethos, namely competence and character, while only two aspects are mastered by Ustadz Ali Umar, namely competence and goodwill. (2) The entire rhetorical canon is used by both preachers. (3) The rhetoric of Ustadz Muhammad Arief and Ustadz Ali Umar is calssified as epideitic rhetoric and has elements of deliberative rhetoric %K Retorika Dakwah, Ustadz Muhammad Arief, Ustadz Ali Umar. %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib62773