@mastersthesis{digilib62780, month = {November}, title = {PANDANGAN MASYARAKAT TERHADAP PERUBAHAN USTADZ ABU BAKAR BA?ASYIR MENGENAI TRANSFORMASI PENERIMAAN PANCASILA}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 21202012018 Muhammad Mahsya Nawaffani}, year = {2023}, note = {Pembimbing: Dr. H. Zainudin, M.Ag}, keywords = {Penerimaan Pancasila, Pandangan Masyarakat, Ustadz Abu Bakar Ba?asyir}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/62780/}, abstract = {The phenomenon of the acceptance of ust. Ustadz Abu Bakar Ba'asyir on Pancasila recently turned out to be a polemic among the public. This happened because of the influence of Ustadz Abu Bakar Ba'asyir as a figure who has been stigmatized as radical even by the international community. Research with the title Community View of Cemani Sukoharjo Village Regarding the Da'wah of Ustadz Abu Bakar Ba'asyir in the Acceptance of Pancasila wants to formulate the views of the people in Cemani village regarding the views of Ustadz Abu Bakar Ba'asyir on the acceptance of Pancasila and the impact of Abu Bakar Ba'asyir's transformation in the acceptance of Pancasila on the people of Cemani village. This research uses a method using a descriptive qualitative approach, namely a study that intends to analyze, describe, and summarize various conditions, situations of various data collected in the form of interviews or observations of the problems under study that occur in the field, with in-depth interviews and content analysis of various data sources. This research uses Deddy Mulyana's Social Perception Theory as a grand theory to dissect the views of the cemani village community on the phenomenon of accepting the Pancasila of Ustadz Abu Bakar Ba'asyir. The results of this study indicate that the views of the community in Cemani village on the acceptance of the Pancasila of Ustadz Abu Bakar Ba'asyir are divided into 3 parts, namely positive views (supporting), neutral views, and negative views (regretting). The researcher's analysis stated that the perception of the Cemani village community towards the phenomenon of Ustadz Abu Bakar Ba'asyir's acceptance of Pancasila was dominated by a positive view that supported Ustadz Abu Bakar Ba'asyir's decision to accept Pancasila. However, there are people who view this phenomenon neutrally. Meanwhile, community respondents in this study who refer to negative views have not been found. This perception is influenced by several aspects, such as learning and collaboration experiences, social organization, worldview, cognitive conjecture and beliefs, values and attitudes. The impact felt by the community on the phenomenon of acceptance of Pancasila ust.ABB is quite felt by various groups. As in the educational factor, there was a significant increase in enrollment at the Al- Mukmin Islamic College (STIM) after the phenomenon, then the security factor felt by residents around the pesantren. In addition, the economic factor, the increase in new traders who sell around the pesantren has made the area more friendly.} }