<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "PENGARUH KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN TERHADAP MINAT BELI (ANALISIS REGRESI SEDERHANA PADA FOLLOWERS SHOPEE MALABIZ_ID )"^^ . "The development of information and communication technology is growing\r\nvery fast. This information was originally obtained from conventional mass media and print media. But at this time the development of communication technology gave birth to the internet which gave birth to a new marketing medium. How big is the influence of communication through the marketing mix of the malabiz_id shopee account on the interest in buying formal pants products for followers. To find out the influence of the malabiz_id shopee account on followers' buying interest. Using the AIDA theory in this study, researchers used a survey method. questionnaire via google form. In this study, the population is followers of the Malabiz_id shopee account, with a total of 5,100 followers as of March 12, 2023. The technique used is Simple Random Sampling. using the Slovin formula with 10% precision. Calculations were performed using a simple linear regression analysis test, showing a correlation number of the two variables 0.719. In that table the coefficient of determination is 51.6%. Hypothesis testing is done to prove whether the regression coefficient or not. Obtained a significance value (Sig.)0,001 < 0.05, then Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. This means that there is an influence between the malabiz_id shopee account on followers' interest in buying formal pants products. It would be better if the promotion for uploading the account was further improved and communicated more with followers in the comments column or from Direct Messages (DM)."^^ . "2023-09-07" . . . . "UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . "FAKULTAS ILMU SOSIAL DAN HUMANIORA, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . . . . . . . "NIM.: 18107030087"^^ . "Gustafian Aji Suci"^^ . "NIM.: 18107030087 Gustafian Aji Suci"^^ . . . . . . "PENGARUH KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN TERHADAP MINAT BELI (ANALISIS REGRESI SEDERHANA PADA FOLLOWERS SHOPEE MALABIZ_ID ) (Text)"^^ . . . . . "18107030087_BAB-I_IV-atau-V_DAFTAR-PUSTAKA.pdf"^^ . . . "PENGARUH KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN TERHADAP MINAT BELI (ANALISIS REGRESI SEDERHANA PADA FOLLOWERS SHOPEE MALABIZ_ID ) (Text)"^^ . . . . . "PENGARUH KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN TERHADAP MINAT BELI (ANALISIS REGRESI SEDERHANA PADA FOLLOWERS SHOPEE MALABIZ_ID ) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "PENGARUH KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN TERHADAP MINAT BELI (ANALISIS REGRESI SEDERHANA PADA FOLLOWERS SHOPEE MALABIZ_ID ) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "PENGARUH KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN TERHADAP MINAT BELI (ANALISIS REGRESI SEDERHANA PADA FOLLOWERS SHOPEE MALABIZ_ID ) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "PENGARUH KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN TERHADAP MINAT BELI (ANALISIS REGRESI SEDERHANA PADA FOLLOWERS SHOPEE MALABIZ_ID ) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "PENGARUH KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN TERHADAP MINAT BELI (ANALISIS REGRESI SEDERHANA PADA FOLLOWERS SHOPEE MALABIZ_ID ) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "PENGARUH KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN TERHADAP MINAT BELI (ANALISIS REGRESI SEDERHANA PADA FOLLOWERS SHOPEE MALABIZ_ID ) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "PENGARUH KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN TERHADAP MINAT BELI (ANALISIS REGRESI SEDERHANA PADA FOLLOWERS SHOPEE MALABIZ_ID ) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "PENGARUH KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN TERHADAP MINAT BELI (ANALISIS REGRESI SEDERHANA PADA FOLLOWERS SHOPEE MALABIZ_ID ) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . "HTML Summary of #62829 \n\nPENGARUH KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN TERHADAP MINAT BELI (ANALISIS REGRESI SEDERHANA PADA FOLLOWERS SHOPEE MALABIZ_ID )\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "Ilmu Komunikasi"@en . .