%A NIM.: 18104090055 Ach Faisol %O Pembimbing: Muhammad Iskhak M.Pd. %T MANAJEMEN SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA DAN MANAJEMEN MUTU PENDIDIKAN DI SD MUHAMMADIYAH KARANGBENDO BAGUNTAPAN %X This research departs from field realities which illustrate the urgency of human resource management and education quality management. Through an in-depth understanding of the dynamics in the field, this research is to explore and analyze the positive impacts that can result from the application of human resource management and education quality management in the school context. This research aims to determine the application of human resource management at SD Muhammadiyah Karangbendo Banguntapan, human resource management and education quality management. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The subjects in this research were the principal, head of curriculum, and head of student affairs. Data collection techniques through interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis used data reduction, data display, and verification. The data validity technique in this research uses source triangulation. The results of this research consist of two things, namely Human Resources Management and Education Quality Management. Human Resource Management at SD Muhammadiyah Karangbendo goes through 7 stages, namely as follows. (1) Procure human resources by compiling an analysis of human resource needs. (2) Human resource development through training and Teacher Working Groups (KKG). (3) Compensation is carried out independently by the school as regulated in the teacher and employee salary slips. (4) HR integration through weekly evaluations containing coaching. (5) Maintenance of human resources through weekly friendships oriented towards human values. (6) HR discipline through administrative supervision and supervision of work evaluation. (7) Dismissal of HR through procedures and planning that regulate employee dismissal. Education Quality Management is carried out through 5 stages, namely as follows. (1) Customer focus through providing educational services that are integrated with a superior identity related to the principles of the Koran. (2) Total involvement through regular monthly meetings containing coaching. (3) School measurements are carried out by applying structured and unstructured tasks such as assessing students' creativity, independent abilities and adaptability. (4) Commitment to improve educational assessment by providing teacher training in all subjects. (5) Continuous improvement is carried out by planning long-term strategies to encourage all teachers to always adapt to the world of technology. %K Manajemen, Sumber Daya Manusia, Mutu Pendidikan %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib62887