%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A Rizki Ramadhan, NIM.: 19104050009 %B FAKULTAS ILMU TARBIYAH DAN KEGURUAN %D 2023 %F digilib:62926 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Dinamika Rotasi, Kesetimbangan Benda Tegar, Media Pembelajaran %P 178 %T PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN FISIKA BERBASIS AUGMENTED REALITY PADA MATERI DINAMIKA ROTASI DAN KESETIMBANGAN BENDA TEGAR KELAS XI SMA/MA %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/62926/ %X The minimal use of innovative learning media causes low student interest and learning outcomes. So there is a need to develop innovative learning media so that it can increase student interest and learning outcomes. This research aims to 1) develop Android learning media with augmented reality technology on material on dynamics of rotation and equilibrium of rigid bodies for class XI, 2) determine the quality of Android learning media 3) find out how students respond to the product that has been developed. This research is a type of R&D (Research and Development) research with the ADDIE (Analysis, design, development, implementation and Evaluation) development model. This research is limited to the implementation stage by conducting limited and extensive tests on students. This research uses several instruments, namely assessment sheets and student response questionnaire sheets. After the learning media development product is created, a validation process is carried out by 2 media validators and 2 material validators. After the validation process, the learning media development product will be assessed by 2 material expert assessors, 2 media expert assessors, and 3 teacher assessors. After the media development product assessment process, the final step is to carry out limited tests and extensive tests. The results of this research include: 1) augmented reality-based physics learning media has been produced on the topic of rotational dynamics and equilibrium of rigid bodies; 2) the quality of the Android application based on the assessment of material and media experts obtained an average score of 3.4 in the very good category and 3.6 in the very good category; 3) the limited test response for students obtained a score of strongly agree and the broad test obtained a score of strongly agree. So it was concluded that the research product was feasible and could be used for classroom learning. %Z Pembimbing: Dr. Winarti M.Pd.Si.