%A NIM.: 19104050018 Umar Faiz Fakhrudin %O Pembimbing: Puspo Rohmi, M.Pd. %T PENGEMBANGAN MOBILE POCKET BOOK BERBASIS ARTICULATE STORYLINE 3 PADA MATERI GELOMBANG BUNYI UNTUK PESERTA DIDIK SMA/MA %X Articulate Storyline 3-based physics learning media is still rarely used by teachers, so it is an opportunity to be researched. Therefore, this research aims to 1) Produce Mobile Pocket Book based on Articulate Storyline 3 on the material of Sound Waves for XI MIPA class students at SMA N 1 Sewon. 2) Knowing the characteristics of Mobile Pocket Book based on Articulate Storyline 3 on Sound Waves material. 3) To know the students' response to the Mobile Pocket Book based on Articulate Storyline 3 on the subject of Sound Waves. This research is an R&D (Research and Development) study with a 4-D development model. Stage (define,) defining the problem. Stage (design), develop learning media Mobile Pocket Book Sound Waves. Stage (develop), produce learning media Mobile Pocket Book Sound Waves. This research was conducted until the (develop) stage, precisely at the broad trial stage. The research instruments used in this study were instrument validation sheets, assessment sheets, and student response questionnaires. Data were analyzed using Aiken's V equation and mean score. Data were analyzed using Aiken's V equation and mean score. This research produces products in the form of Mobile Pocket Book Sound Waves. Mobile learning media Pocket Book Sound Waves are feasible to use in physics learning. This is evidenced by the scores obtained from material experts, media experts, and physics teachers of 3.75, 3.67, and 3.74 respectively with very good criteria, meaning that learning media allows use for learning according to the character of students. Students' responses to the Mobile Pocket Book of Sound Waves in the limited trial and broad trial had an average score of 0.98 and 0.88 respectively. This shows that the response of students is positive and categorized as agree %K Media Pembelajaran, Mobile Pocket Book, Gelombang Bunyi %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib62934