%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A Nakhwa Kamilia Fatoni, NIM.: 19104070013 %B FAKULTAS ILMU TARBIYAH DAN KEGURUAN %D 2023 %F digilib:62949 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K E-Worksheet, Bioteknologi, Project Based Learning %P 223 %T PENGEMBANGAN E-WORKSHEET BIOTEKNOLOGI BERBASIS PROJECT BASED LEARNING SEBAGAI MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN KELAS X SMA/MA %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/62949/ %X This study aims to 1) determine the development of biotechology e-worksheets based on project based learning as a learning medium for tenth grade senior high school students, 2) determine the quality of the biotechnology e-worksheets based on project based learning medium for tenth grade senior high school students. This type of research is research and development (R&D) with the ADDIE (analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation) development model. This research was limited to the development stage. Quality testing was carried out by filling out an instrument containing a quality assessment questionnaire by 1 material expert, 1 media expert, 5 peer reviewers, 1 biology teacher, and response testing via a questionnaire instrument filled by 33 students from elevent grade at SMAN 1 Kasihan, Bantul. The data obtained was analysed descriptively qualitatively and quantitatively. The results of the e-worksheet assessment by material expert received a percentaged of 91,00% in the very good category, media expert 79,33% in the good category, peer reviwer 94,50% in the very good category, biology teacher 75,20% in the good category, and student responses with the percentage was 82,54% with the strongly agree category. The conclusion of this research is that the development of a biotechnology e-worksheet based on project based learning as a learning medium for tenth grade senior high school studentshas been successfully carried out. The result of the quality test and student responses to the e-worksheet have a very good interpretation category and strongly agree are suitable for use as a biology medium learning for tenth grade senior high school students. %Z Pembimbing: Annisa Firanti, S.Pd.Si., M.Pd.