%0 Thesis %9 Masters %A Sulsin Jamilatusoleha, NIM.: 21204032017 %B FAKULTAS ILMU TARBIYAH DAN KEGURUAN %D 2023 %F digilib:63035 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Buku Cerita Bergambar, Sopan santun, Bahasa Jawa Krama Inggil %P 145 %T PENGEMBANGAN BUKU CERITA BERGAMBAR “PERILAKU SOPAN SANTUN” BERBASIS BAHASA JAWA KRAMA INGGIL %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/63035/ %X In this day and age, the lack of knowledge of the Javanese language which is not in line with the true upload of the language has an impact on the future of the Javanese language itself. Therefore, learning Javanese manners needs to be a habit from early childhood. By learning to get used to polite behavior based on Javanese language, manners or everyday Javanese (regional) language, the quality of polite behavior through language will not be lost. This research aims to develop children's language through picture story books to develop polite behavior based on the Javanese Krama Inggil language in early childhood (TK) to serve as a guide for learning the Javanese Krama language. This research uses the R&D technique with the Dick and Carey model into five stage processes, namely, needs analysis, material analysis, product development, validation by experts and trials. data collection by observation, interviews conducted with school principals and teachers and questionnaires conducted by validation experts. The results of the feasibility study from language experts got a score of 97%, media experts got a percentage of 85%, material experts I got a score of 92%, material experts II got a score of 98%. The presentation score is in the decent category. The research data was obtained from trials with linguists, media experts, material experts and its effectiveness was tested using small-scale tests with five children and large-scale tests with 20 children in Masyithoh Kindergarten. This value is categorized as very feasible. It can be concluded that the story book media depicting polite behavior based on the Javanese Krama Inggil language is suitable for use in early childhood language learning. %Z Pembimbing: Prof. Dr. H. Suyadi, M.A.