%A NIM.: 21204032024 Reza Aulia %O Pembimbing: Dr. Hibana, S.Ag, M.Pd %T PENGEMBANGAN POP-UP BOOK SEBAGAI MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN KARAKTER CINTA DAMAI UNTUK ANAK USIA DINI %X The purpose of this research is to find out: (1) Development of Pop-Up Book learning media as a medium for learning peace-loving characters (2) Feasibility of Pop-Up Book as a medium for learning peace-loving characters (3) Effectiveness of Pop-Up Book as a medium for learning peace-loving characters. The development of today's times is a lot of bad behavior such as bullying that occurs in the community and even not infrequently also occurs in schools. This happens because of the lack of good character in a person, because basically character education teaches how a person behaves. The character of peace-loving needs to be instilled from an early age because education in early childhood is the initial foundation of education for a person. Education requires the right learning media so that educational goals are maximally achieved. So Pop-Up Book media is present as an effort to facilitate the delivery of character education material. This media is in the form of a book in which there are images that provide a raised effect so that this media is attractive to children and can be used in learning activities. This research method uses the type of R&D research with the ADDIE development model. Respondents in this study were group B children at Annur 2 Yogyakarta Kindergarten. The data collection technique used a questionnaire with Likert scale measurements. The product validity test uses feasibility test and effectiveness test. The feasibility test product uses the NP search formula. While the product effectiveness test uses the t test with the One Group Pretest-Posttest Design model. The results showed that Pop-Up Book Media was developed using the ADDIE design model, namely analysis includes performance analysis and needs analysis, design is done by determining the media design both in shape, theme in the story, and determining the characters that will be contained in the media. Development is done by making the product adapted to the results of the design so that it becomes a Pop-Up Book. Implementation is done by applying media in schools that are used in learning by teachers. Evaluation is done by collecting criticism and suggestions from validators and children's assessments. Pop-Up Book media is said to be feasible on the assessment of media experts by getting 98% and 100%, material expert assessment gets 94%, and teacher response gets 94%. The media is said to be effective as shown by the T test using the help of SPSS 26 One Simple Pretest-Posttest Design model and getting the results of 0.00 which is less than 0.05 which means that there is a difference between after and before the application of the media with an average of 64, the conclusion is that the media is effective for improving the development of peace-loving characters in early childhood. %K Media Pembelajaran Pop-Up Book, Karakter Cinta Damai, Anak Usia Dini %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib63038