@mastersthesis{digilib63047, month = {September}, title = {PENGEMBANGAN PROGRAM ANTI BULLYING UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KECERDASAN EMOSIONAL DAN SPIRITUAL SISWA MADRASAH IBTIDAIYAH}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 21204082015 Rusdy Iskandar}, year = {2023}, note = {Pembimbing: Sibawaihi, S.Ag., M.Si., Ph.D.}, keywords = {Penelitian Pengembangan, Program Anti Bullying, Emosional, Spiritual.}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/63047/}, abstract = {The problem that occurs among students at MIS Ma'arif Giriloyo 2 Bantul is the lack of emotional and spiritual intelligence of students. This is evidenced by the decline in children's manners and moral ethics, the phenomenon of bullying, violence and intimidation both verbally and physically still often occurs at school. With the development of an anti-bullying program, it is hoped that it will be able to answer these problems. The aim of this research is to produce an anti-bullying guidebook that is valid, practical and effective in increasing students' emotional and spiritual intelligence and helping schools to organize anti-bullying programs that are better than before. The method used in this research is Research and Development (R\&D) with the ADDIE model, namely Analysis, Design, Develop, Implement and Evaluate. The trial design in the research used a pre-experimental one-shot case study as a product effectiveness test. The research subjects in the development of ADDIE were 15 voluntary students, while the Pre-experimental consisted of an experimental class consisting of 25 class IV and 28 class V students. The instrument for measuring the validity of the guidebook was measured using validation sheet instruments from media experts, material experts and practicality measuring instruments. Use of guidebooks was measured using results from teacher respondents. Meanwhile, the tool for measuring effectiveness for increasing emotional and spiritual intelligence uses a student questionnaire instrument. Data analysis uses descriptive and inferential statistics. Based on the research that has been conducted, it can be seen that the development of anti-bullying programs is carried out starting from providing outreach to teachers and students, providing an understanding of emotional intelligence to students in learning, creating a bullying complaint service, providing punishment, giving rewards. , and carry out supervision (monitoring). The anti-bullying program guidebook that was developed is suitable for use in schools based on the assessment of 91\% of media experts, 83\% of material experts and 89\% of educators' responses. This is reinforced by testing the effectiveness of using the anti-bullying program guidebook that was developed which was declared effective in increasing students' emotional and spiritual intelligence, so it can be concluded that the anti-bullying program guidebook has a significant effect on increasing students' emotional and spiritual intelligence.} }