%A NIM.: 19106030004 Annisa Zukhruf %O Pembimbing: Ika Qurrotul Afifah, M.Sc %T KARAKTERISASI SEDIAAN KRIM TABIR SURYA EKSTRAK KENIKIR (Cosmos caudatus Kunth.) DAN HIDROLISAT KOLAGEN TULANG AYAM (Galus galus domesticus) %X Sunscreen functions to protect the skin from excessive sun exposure. In this research, sunscreen cream preparations of kenikir extract and chicken bone collagen hydrolyzate were made. This study aims to determine the effectiveness and characteristics of cream base, collagen hydrolyzate cream, kenikir extract cream, and combination cream. Characterization of sunscreen cream includes determining the SPF value, % erythema, % pigmentation, organoleptic and hedonic tests, homogeneity test, pH test, viscosity test, cream stability test, and spreadability test. The research results showed that kenikir extract cream had very good effectiveness as a sunscreen based on the SPF value (45,59), % erythema (1,96%), % pigmentation (1,27%). Kenikir extract cream is homogeneous, has a pH value (7,83) and viscosity (46.700 cps) which are in accordance with the range of values permitted as a sunscreen preparation. Kenikir extract cream is stable as indicated by the absence of separation during the stability test. Based on the characterization results, kenikir extract cream has good effectiveness and characteristics (according to SNI 16-4399-1996) even though it has low spreadability. %K Tabir surya, SPF, Ekstrak Kenikir, dan Hidrolisat Kolagen %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib63103