%A NIM.: 19103050038 Muhammad Asyraf Fakrullah %O Pembimbing: Yasin Baidi S.Ag., M.Ag. %T UPAYA PEMENUHAN KEBUTUHAN KELUARGA DISABILITAS DI BALAI REHABILITASI TERPADU PENYANDANG DISABILITAS PUNDONG TAHUN 2023 %X As a legal subject, the head of the family has obligations to the family which must be carried out as a result of marriage. If it is related to the knowledge of Islamic Family Law, which is in accordance with the Marriage Law Number 1 of 1974, one of the obligations of the head of the family is to fulfill the needs of his family or in other words, he is obliged to provide for his family. Livelihood is a very important aspect in raising a family, with a sufficient economy it can increase the level of welfare for the family, such as having sufficient clothing, food, shelter, and education costs for children. However, in fact, not all family heads are able to provide sufficient income and carry out their role as head of the family according to legal provisions. Like heads of families with disabilities, with the discrimination they receive and the lack of accessible employment opportunities for people with disabilities, they tend to find it difficult to meet their family's needs. This is experienced by heads of families with disabilities, alumni and social welfare service recipients at the Pundong Integrated Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities. Departing from this reality, this research was carried out to determine efforts to fulfill the needs of disabled families and how to fulfill these needs from the perspective of Disability Fiqh and the Compilation of Islamic Law. This research uses a normative-sociological approach, namely analyzing social phenomena from a normative perspective regarding efforts to fulfill needs or livelihood, a review of Disability Fiqh and the Compilation of Islamic Law. This research is descriptive-analytic in nature, the data presented is in the form of a scientific narrative explanation. This qualitative research will be analyzed using an inductive pattern, starting from specific matters then drawing general conclusions. As heads of families with disabilities, some of the Social Welfare Service Recipients and alumni of the Social Welfare Service Recipients of the Pundong Integrated Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities have tried to meet their family's needs, but some have not been able to fulfill them. Some of these efforts are in accordance with aspects contained in Disability Fiqh and the Compilation of Islamic Law, some are not yet appropriate. %K Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Keluarga, Nafkah, Disabilitas, Fiqih Disabilitas, BRTPD Pundong %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib63138