%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A Mohammad Iqbal Wildan Muqoddas, NIM.: 19103060011 %B FAKULTAS SYARI’AH DAN HUKUM %D 2023 %F digilib:63143 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Penjaga Jalur Lintasan (PJL), Maqasid asy-Syari’ah, Tokoh Muhammadiyah, Tokoh Nahdlatul Ulama %P 127 %T RUKHSAH BAGI PENJAGA JALUR LINTASAN DALAM PELAKSANAAN SALAT JUM’AT (STUDI PEMIKIRAN TOKOH NAHDLATUL ULAMA DAN TOKOH MUHAMMADIYAH DAERAH ISTIMEWA YOGYAKARTA) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/63143/ %X In the context of the profession of Railway Track Guards (PJL), the duty to safeguard railway tracks, which requires high vigilance, often presents dilemmas for them, particularly in fulfilling religious obligations such as Friday prayers (Salat Jum'at). This research delves into the concept of professional excuses (uzur) for Railway Track Guards (PJL) through the perspectives of Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah figures in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The concept of uzur in this context, becomes pivotal in alleviating the burden and understanding the religious dilemmas faced by PJL. The study focuses on regional leaders in PWNU Yogyakarta and PW Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, aligning with the relevance to the context of the PJL profession in that area. The research aims to bridge the gap between professional demands and the fulfillment of religious duties, employing the Maqasid asy-Syari’ah method, with a focus on the two main concepts of wellbeing: safeguarding the religion and the well-being of the soul (hifz ad-din and hifz an-nafs). This study employs a field research method supported by library research and adopts a normative approach to explore perspectives from religious texts, arguments, and the opinions of scholars. Primary data is obtained through interviews with Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama figures and PJL, while secondary data is derived from relevant literature. The data collection technique involves interviews, and data analysis is conducted using a qualitative research method with an inductive thinking instrument. Based on the gathered and analyzed data, this research yields several findings. Firstly, the perspectives of Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah figures in the Special Region of Yogyakarta regarding the concession for Track Guardians (Penjaga Jalur Lintasan or PJL) during Friday prayers reflect harmony, indicating that Friday prayers are an obligation but can be excused in certain situations. Various views from figures such as Habib Abdus Syakur, Tamyiz Mukharrom, Burhanuddin, Yayan Suryana, Rohmansyah, and Ali Yusuf emphasize the excuse for Friday prayers for PJL due to reasons such as ensuring personal safety, traffic density, and the concepts of urgency and legal excuse (uzur syar’i). Secondly, in the analysis using the maqasid asy-syari’ah framework regarding the perspectives of these figures on the excuse for PJL in performing Friday prayers, it is evident that the preservation of life (hifz an-nafs) takes precedence over the preservation of religion (hifz ad-din). Differences are observed in the interpretation of the preservation of life (hifz an-nafs), where the responsibilities of PJL, the density of railway traffic, and the duty to ensure personal safety become the primary focus. This research highlights that preserving religion and life is a primary need (daruruiyyat) within the context of maqasid asy-syari’ah. Despite the concession granted for Friday prayers for PJL, it does not imply neglecting religious obligations but rather signifies flexibility in safeguarding both life and religion. %Z Pembimbing: Dr. Malik Ibrahim, M. Ag