@phdthesis{digilib63161, month = {December}, title = {PRAKTIK GADUH SAPI DI DESA SENDANGHARJO KABUPATEN LAMONGAN PERSPEKTIF HUKUM EKONOMI SYARIAH}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 19103080014 Agha Fakhrul Mukminin}, year = {2023}, note = {Pembimbing: Dr. Gusnam Haris, S.Ag., M.Ag}, keywords = {Gaduh Sapi, Prinsip-Prinsip Islam, Bagi Hasil}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/63161/}, abstract = {Gaduh Cow is a term for a cooperative agreement for raising cattle between the capital owner ({\d s}{\=a}{\d h}ibul m{\=a}l) and the capital manager (mu{\d d}{\=a}rib) with the aim of making a profit from the results of raising the animals, this cooperation agreement is known as the mu{\d d}{\=a}rabah contract. In Sendangharjo Village, Lamongan Regency, this cow rowing collaboration is included in the Mu{\d d}{\=a}rabah Muqayyadah type of contract. Profit sharing in the practice of cattle rowing in Sendangharjo Village with a profit sharing percentage of 40:60, the capital manager gets more than the capital owner. However, when a loss occurs that is not the result of the capital manager's negligence, it is fully borne by the capital owner. In the practice of rowdy cows, the establishment of cooperation is based on the rights and responsibilities of the parties in the mu'{\=a}malah activity. In carrying out mu'{\=a}malah activities, of course every implementation must be based on Islamic principles as guidelines for its implementation, these principles are the principles of justice. The type of research in this thesis uses descriptive qualitative research with a sociological and normative research approach. The sociological approach is to determine the condition of the community in Sendangharjo Village, while the normative approach uses the theory of mu{\d d}{\=a}rabah law and the principles of Islam which will later become a benchmark for harmonizing the practice of distributing profits from cow rows in terms of mu{\d d}{\=a}rabah law and the application of Islamic principles to cow rowdies in Sendangharjo Village. The results of the research are that the practice of implementing the rights to share profits and losses is in accordance with the provisions of mu{\d d}{\=a}rabah law, capital losses are fully borne by the capital owner, and the capital manager does not bear any compensation for losses. The practice of cow rowing in Sendangharjo Village regarding the application of Islamic principles is in accordance with the discipline of f{\=i}qh mu'{\=a}malah. These principles are the principle of permissibility, the principle of mutual consent, the principle of justice, the principle of mutual benefit, the principle of mutual help. However, there are principles that have not been implemented, namely written principles.} }