%A NIM.: 21203012010 Ismi Lathifatul Hilmi, S.H. %O Pembimbing: Dr. Fathorrahman, S.Ag., M.Si %T MODEL KETAHANAN KELUARGA SAKINAH PADA KELUARGA MAHASISWA LONG DISTANCE MARRIAGE (MAHASISWA PERGURUAN TINGGI DI DAERAH ISTIMEWA YOGYAKARTA) %X The phenomenon of long distance marriage (LDM) is not uncommon today. LDM makes a family become physically separated and live in different homes. This is due to several interests or obligations of each party in the family. Currently, couples who undergo LDM are not only workers, but students also take part in this phenomenon. Some couples who undergo LDM are prone to conflict and viewpoint problems due to distance and limited meetings with each other. As a result of these conflicts, it is not uncommon for couples who undergo LDM to find it difficult to create a happy family in their household. However, there are also LDM couples, especially students who have succeeded in forming family resilience so that they can get through the conflicts and problems that come. This is interesting to study because being a student while having a family is not an easy thing, especially with the distance conditions that separate. This study answers two main questions: what are the management strategies of student families in facing long distance marriage and how the form of family resilience is sakinaḥ in student families who are undergoing long distance marriage. The approach used is a sociological approach to describe how students who undergo LDM and analyze it using family resilience theory and family resilience theory. This research is a descriptive qualitative field research with primary data taken from six universities in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, namely Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta State University, Janabadra University, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University, Ahmad Dahlan University, and Islamic University of Indonesia with 12 informants taken according to the criteria. This study shows that student couples undergoing LDM can realize a sacred household with several family management strategies that are realized from the theory of family resilience and family resilience that is formed firmly. In family management strategies and building resilience, students from general universities and students from religious universities have similarities, namely by prioritizing open communication, trust, equalizing the vision and mission and so on. Informants from general universities basically prioritize communication and realize it by having direct conversations about what problems are being faced and how to solve them directly. For informants from religious universities, they also prioritize intensive communication, but the attitude of surrendering to Allah SWT and high patience is an added value for the informants. In addition, both agree that self-introspection is also needed to solve problems and see the positive values of the LDM relationship that is being lived. %K Ketahanan Keluarga, Keluarga Sakinaḥ, Long Distance Marriage %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib63171