%A NIM.: 20107030033 Renaldi Fadliansyah %O Pembimbing: Lukman Nusa, M.I.Kom. %T PENGARUH WORD OF MOUTH DAN PERSONAL SELLING TERHADAP MINAT BELI KONSUMEN (Survey pada Konsumen Toko Tembakau Wiwoho Yogyakarta) %X Since 1919 Toko Tembakau Wiwoho has persisted in operation without embracing modern marketing strategies such as social media or physical posters. This phenomenon is intriguing, as customers remain loyal without promotion on social platforms. The objective of this study is to recognize the factors contributing to this phenomenon. The objective of this study is to gauge the influence of Word of mouth and Personal Selling on purchase intent at Wiwoho Tobacco Store in Yogyakarta. The research methodology employed is a quantitative correlational approach, involving data collection through surveys and distribution of questionnaires to 97 consumers of the tobacco store. The Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) theory underpins the data collection. The research findings indicate that Word of mouth and Personal Selling exert a significant impact on consumer purchase intent, collectively contributing 70.6%. Word of mouth contributes 49.16%, whereas Personal Selling contributes 21.46% to purchase intent. These findings furnish valuable insights for the proprietors and managers of Wiwoho Tobacco Store in Yogyakarta for devising more effective marketing strategies and enhancing customer satisfaction. %K word of mouth; personal selling; purchase interest; promotion %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib63206