%A NIM.: 21203012054 Agung Burhanusyihab, S.H. %O Pembimbing: Dr. Fathorrahman, S.Ag., M.Si. %T FENOMENA PERNIKAHAN DI BAWAH UMUR DI KECAMATAN DEPOK KABUPATEN SLEMAN %X In many studies, cases of underage marriage are often found in rural communities that are economically low and lack education. The custom of marrying girls who have reached puberty is still found in several rural areas. In urban areas, it is synonymous with highly educated people who are more economically capable than rural communities, but in fact there are also underage marriages, one of which is in Depok District, Sleman Regency. This is something interesting to carry out more in-depth research to find the factors causing underage marriage in urban areas in Depok District, Sleman Regency. The research carried out is classified as field research, analytical descriptive in nature and with an empirical sociological approach. Data sources were obtained from interviews with seven couples involved in underage marriages and their related families, KUA employees, Religious Court employees and several scientific works in the form of journal articles, books and internet articles which are still ongoing. Data obtained through interviews, documentation and observation methods. Researchers use the theory of social behavior (social action) initiated by B.F Skinner and the theory of socialization functions initiated by M. Ann Friedman as analytical tools. The results of the research show that the factor causing underage marriages that occur in Depok District, Sleman Regency is pregnancy before marriage. In the analysis of social action theory initiated by Max Weber, underage marriage behavior is an influence (cause) of out-of-wedlock pregnancies by teenagers. Promiscuous behavior by children causes pregnancy before marriage so that marriage is a solution. Then the family's response to underage marriage is to regret that their child is promiscuous and becomes pregnant. In Friedman's theoretical analysis, family function in underage married families does not work well. Parents do not provide guidance and attention to their children so that children fall into promiscuity without rules, causing pregnancy and ultimately having to marry underage. %K Pernikahan Dini, Tindakan Sosial, Keluarga %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib63227