%A NIM.: 21200012047 Silva Enlevi %O Pembimbing: Prof. Nurdin, S.Ag.,SS. M.A %T TRANSFORMASI PERPUSTAKAAN BERBASIS INKLUSI SOSIAL SEBAGAI WADAH PENGEMBANGAN POTENSI MASYARAKAT: STUDI DI RUMAH BELAJAR MODERN BALAI LAYANAN PERPUSTAKAAN DPAD DIY %X This research examines social inclusion-based transformation and its impact on social change. The goal is to find out the transformation program and its impact on the community, as well as the obstacles in organizing activities. This research uses qualitative methods with a case study approach. Selection of informants using purposive and snowball. Data collection techniques use interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques using the Miles and Huberman model are, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Data validity techniques include, 1) credibility tests by triangulating sources, techniques, time, and member checks, 2) transferability tests, 3) dependability tests, 4) confirmability tests. The results of this study found 1) activities in RBM consist of two classifications, namely child-based and adult-based. Activities for children include, a) library tour, b) library tour, c) reading guidance, d) summarizing books, and e) watching movies. Meanwhile, for adults, activities are held a) batik making, b) cooking class, c) knitting, d) hydroponics, and e) home décor. 2) the impact of the implementation of TPBIS is a social change in RBM users. The change was initiated by the production of RBM social space in terms of the Lefebvre concept whose production stages include, a) spatial practice, b) representations space, and c) space of representations. The production of social space also gives birth to social change which in Ogburn's eyes can be grouped into four elements, a) invention, b) accumulation, c) diffusion, and d) adaptation. 3) obstacles faced in organizing the TPBIS program in RBM include, a) community mindset and curiosity, b) budget inadequacy, and c) incomplete facilities to support RBM's "modern" status. %K social inclusion; community; library; rumah belajar modern %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib63259