%A NIM.: 21203012098 Ahmad Faishal Nur, S.H. %O Pembimbing: Prof. Dr. Drs. H. Makrus, S.H., M.Hum %T DISORIENTASI PENENTUAN HARGA PASAR DALAM EKSISTENSI EKONOMI MASYARAKAT MENURUT PANDANGAN ADAM SMITH DAN AL GHOZALI %X This pricing method refers to how to determine the selling price of a unit based on the cost price at the beginning of the purchase, but the role of consumers in this case is also very important in determining the price. Prices are set by companies based on consumer demand that they collect from market research. Consumers will decide whether they will buy a product or not based on the price offered. Price is of course very important in sales and purchase agreements from producers to consumers. Through pricing, the feasibility position of the product can be seen from its economic value. Price control efforts are directed primarily at preventing price wars, especially when faced with declining demand. Meanwhile, if there is a supply, it can be concluded that there is a large amount of demand offered by sellers in a certain market in a certain period and at a certain price level. The formulation of the problem in this research is 1) What factors influence market price disorientation? 2) What are the views of Al-Gazali and Adam Smith regarding market price disorientation? 3 What is the mashlahah analysis of Al-Ghazali and Adam Smith regarding the existence of disorientation in determining market prices? This type of research is qualitative research. This research is descriptive research and tends to use analysis. Data collection was carried out by identifying and researching library materials (writings and scientific works) and other sources of legal materials that were relevant to the legal issues in this research. The results of this research show that in determining prices, an entrepreneur must consider setting prices wisely and not causing harm to the community, such as making unreasonable profits and not considering the economy of the local community. This will also damage the stability of circulating prices due to the nature of egoism and individualism which is always put forward in determining prices. %K Ekonomi Syariah, Hukum Islam, Perekonomian Barat %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib63284