%A NIM.: 21205031052 Azuma Muhammad %O Prof. Dr. Phil. Sahiron Syamsuddin, M.A. %T REINTERPRETASI Q.S. AL-BAQARAH (2:234): ANALISIS HERMENEUTIKA MA’NA-CUM-MAGHZA %X This research dives into a comprehensive exploration of the reinterpretation of Q.S. Al-Baqarah [2:234] through the ma'nā cum magzā approach to uncover its historical meaning, historical significance, and dynamic significance. Traditionally, this verse has been understood as a mourning period for women widowed by the death of their husbands, accompanied by various restrictions on their activities. Scholars across different periods tend to interpret this verse through redactional analysis and legal discussions. Despite efforts to trace the historical context of the verse, a comprehensive reconstruction remains limited. Previous research on this verse has predominantly employed Islamic jurisprudential (fiqh law) and social science methodologies, although there are instances of direct reconstruction attempts. However, these attempts have not fully explored the relationship between historical significance and dynamic significance in contemporary reality. Therefore, this research adopts the ma'nā cum magzā approach, which combines tracing historical meanings, historical significance, and dynamic significance. The result of this study reveal three key aspects: Firstly, historically, the verse signifies a revolutionary step in the mourning process for women widowed during a time when pre-Islamic mourning practices were laden with marginalization. Secondly, from a historical perspective, the verse holds significance as a celebration of the mourning period, validating the lineage in Islamic legal constructs pertaining to matters such as guardianship and inheritance. This also serves to liberate women from marginalization and establish safe spaces for them. Moreover, it presents legal leniency during challenging times.Thirdly, in terms of dynamic significance, the verse constitutes an instructional mandate addressing prevailing social challenges, both then and now. Consequently, it serves as a solution to contemporary social realities. Furthermore, it encourages the provision of safe spaces for women to express grief and seeks to shield them from marginalization. The verse also grants women the choice of legal leniency in times of necessity. In addition, the preservation of lineage validation is crucial, particularly within the context of numerous derivative fiqh laws, through a modern approach, ensuring legal certainty and rights for children who may be born during this sensitive periods. In conclusion, this research contributes fresh insights into the historical and contemporary meaning and significance of Q.S. Al-Baqarah [2:234], incorporating both traditional and modern aspects. The study opens avenues for a holistic understanding of the role of this verse in addressing social changes and the evolving needs of women across different spaces and times. %K Reinterpretasi, ‘Iddah, Ma’na-Cum-Magza %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib63437