%A NIM.: 21202012008 Ariny Izzata Diny %O Pembimbing: Dr. Irsyadunnas, M.Ag %T ETIKA KOMUNIKASI DALAM AL-QUR’AN (TELAAH “7 QAULAN”) %X Humans are social creatures, namely creatures who always live in society and always need the participation of other parties. This fact also illustrates how communication activities are not something that is easily done by every human being. Because it is considered commonplace so that someone tends not to realize incompetence in communication. In this case, the Qur'an provides many directions or positive values that must be developed. The results of the study show, in the Qur'an there are at least seven types of speech styles or talks (qaulan) which are categorized as rules, principles, or ethics of communication, namely (1) Qaulan sadidan, (2) Qaulan Baligha, (3) Qaulan Ma'rufan, (4) Qaulan Karima, (5) Qaulan Layinan, (6) Qaulan Maysuran, and (7) Qaulan Tsaqila. In this research, the author uses the type of library research. Based on the results of the research from the perspective of communication ethics, qaulan sadidan teaches to speak honestly without manipulating information. While qaulan baligha means words that are precise, clear, and pay attention to the context and listeners. qaulan ma'fura communication must pay attention to politeness, not using harsh words or insulting others, understanding the feelings of others. qaulan karima refers to the use of kind, polite words. qaulan layyinan emphasizes the importance of respect in communication. qaulan maysuran teaches to use words that are polite, courteous, and do not hurt the feelings of others. qaulan tsaqila means words that carry weight, taking into account the core principles of communicating with dignity. %K Etika Komunikasi, Al Qur’an, 7 Qaulan %D 2024 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib63495