%A NIM.: 20108010139 Elsa Erliana Aininfajri %O Pembimbing: Achmad Nurdany, S.E.I., S.E., M.E.K. %T PENGARUH INKLUSI KEUANGAN TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN EKONOMI DI NEGARA ASEAN TAHUN 2013-2020 %X Financial inclusion is a process that facilitates access, availability and use of banking services for all members of the economy. The financial inclusion index in ASEAN countries is still relatively low and has a large level of inequality among countries in the region. The lowest financial inclusion index was recorded at 33%, while the highest level was at around 90%. This type of research is quantitative, where the data used is secondary data. The type of data used in this study is panel data, which is a combination of cross section and time series for the 2013-2020 period. The data source is collected from World Bank. The results showed that the variable that did not have a significant effect on the 5% alpha level on economic growth was the number of ATMs. The number of bank branches has a positive and significant effect at an alpha level of 5% on economic growth. The number of credit accounts has a positive and significant effect at an alpha level of 5% on economic growth. Through the provision of adequate financial services and supporting the whole society, people are given opportunities to be better integrated in economic activity. Financial inclusion has the potential to encourage an increase in people's income, which in turn can strengthen economic dynamics so that it can become the main driver of economic growth. %K Indeks Inklusi Keuangan, Layanan Perbankkan, Pertumbuhan Ekonomi %D 2024 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib63523