relation: title: PENGARUH KEPERCAYAAN, PERSEPSI KEMUDAHAN, DAN PERSEPSI RISIKO TERHADAP NIAT MENGGUNAKAN PAYLATER DENGAN PENGETAHUAN RIBA SEBAGAI VARIABEL MODERASI (STUDI KASUS: MASYARAKAT MUSLIM DI YOGYAKARTA) creator: Millah Atmim Lana, NIM.: 20108030053 subject: Manajemen Keuangan Syariah description: This study was conducted to analyze the relationship between trust, perceived ease of use, and perceived risk on the intention to use paylater with riba knowledge as a moderating variable. This study uses primary data by distributing questionnaires. The total sample used in this study was 147 respondents using purposive sampling method. The analysis used in this research is SEM-PLS. The results in this study indicate that trust and perceived ease of use have a significant positive effect on the intention to use paylater, perceived risk has a significant negative effect on the intention to use paylater and riba knowledge cannot moderate the relationship between trust, perceived ease of use, and perceived risk on the intention to use paylater. date: 2024-01-26 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Millah Atmim Lana, NIM.: 20108030053 (2024) PENGARUH KEPERCAYAAN, PERSEPSI KEMUDAHAN, DAN PERSEPSI RISIKO TERHADAP NIAT MENGGUNAKAN PAYLATER DENGAN PENGETAHUAN RIBA SEBAGAI VARIABEL MODERASI (STUDI KASUS: MASYARAKAT MUSLIM DI YOGYAKARTA). Skripsi thesis, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA.