%A NIM.: 20108030120 Rosmia %O Pembimbing: Dr. H. Darmawan, M.AB., CFRM %T PENGARUH RISK PERCEPTION, OVERCONFIDENCE, DAN HERDING TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN INVESTASI REKSA DANA SYARIAH PADA GENERASI Z DENGAN FINANCIAL LITERACY SEBAGAI VARIABEL MODERASI %X This research aims to examine the impact of behavioral biases, namely Risk Perception, Overconfidence and Herding on Sharia Mutual Fund investment decisions among generation Z by adding the moderating effect of Financial Literacy. This research uses a quantitative approach using purposive sampling techniques. The data was collected used an online questionnaire and obtained 150 Sharia Mutual Fund investors aged 17-28 years and domiciled in West Java. The analysis method used in this research is PLS-SEM with the help of SmartPLS 3.0 software. The results showed that Risk Perception and Overconfidence have a positive and significant effect on investment decisions, besides that financial literacy is proven to moderate Risk Perception on Islamic Mutual Fund investment decisions. %K Risk Perception, Overconfidence, Herding, Financial Literacy, Reksa Dana Syariah, Generasi Z %D 2024 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib63542