%A NIM.: 21204011070 Mokhamat Khadik Badriyan %O Pembimbing: Dr. Nur Hidayat, M.Ag %T PEMBENTUKAN NILAI KARAKTER RELIGIUS SANTRI MELALUI KEGIATAN MUJAHADAH DI PONDOK PESANTREN SIROJUTH THOLIBIN BRABO TANGGUNGHARJO GROBOGAN %X Mujahadah activities in Islamic boarding schools, especially at Sirojuth Tholibin Islamic Boarding School, have long been an integral part of education. In this context, students regularly engage in mujahadah, which appears to have a positive impact on the development of their religious character. Therefore, the aim of this research is to determine the formation of religious character values in Islamic boarding school students through mujahadah activities at Sirojuth Tholibin Brabo Tanggungharjo Grobogan, various inhibiting and supporting factors, and the implications of the formation of religious character. This research is a field study using a qualitative descriptive method, producing descriptive data in the form of narratives about the researched issues. A case study was employed at Sirojuth Tholibin Brabo Tanggungharjo Grobogan Islamic Boarding School to understand the formation of religious character in students through mujahadah activities. Data collection involved interviews, documentation, and observation techniques. Data analysis included data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results of this research indicate that: 1) the formation of religious character values in students through mujahadah activities is carried out through the interpretation of Islam, through habituation, and through motivation or encouragement. Thus, mujahadah activities at Sirojuth Tholibin Islamic Boarding School are not only used as religious ritual activities but are also expected to shape the religious character of the students. 2) Inhibiting factors in the implementation of mujahadah activities include the level of religious awareness, consistency in religious tasks, motivation in spiritual activities, and the physical resilience of students. These factors arise from the internal aspects of the students. Meanwhile, supporting factors include the availability of various activities that aid in the development of students' characters, the availability of mujahadah guidebooks that can be taken outside the boarding school, and the role of social media in documenting students' experiences and learning in mujahadah. 3) The implications of forming students' religious character through mujahadah activities can be seen from two aspects: first, the personal aspect of students in their daily lives, such as obedience in worship, morality in social interactions, self-reliance, and selfdiscipline; second, the societal aspect possessed by students, including their involvement in community activities and the exemplary behavior they exhibit for society. %K Pesantren, Mujahadah, Karakter Religius %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib63646