@mastersthesis{digilib63652, month = {December}, title = {ANALISIS FILOSOFIS TERHADAP CAPAIAN PEMBELAJARAN LULUSAN BERBASIS OUTCOME BASSED EDUCATION DALAM KURIKULUM MERDEKA BELAJAR (PADA PROGRAM STUDI PAI UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA)}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 21204012035 Neo Fadly}, year = {2023}, note = {Pembimbing: Dr. H. Sembodo Ardi W, M. Ag.}, keywords = {Kurikulum, Filososfis, Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/63652/}, abstract = {The curriculum is the most fundamental thing in the creation of an education that is desired to be arranged systematically. Of course, the influence of changing times that is feared to occur changes in the purpose of education, especially in Islamic religious education. However, in fact, in an education in Indonesia there are often systematic changes in the curriculum, the cause is to answer the times. Many scientific perspectives are the basis for curriculum development, including philosophical foundations. Of course, the current curriculum, namely Merdeka Belajar, plays an important role in this matter by formulating Learning Outcomes for PAI graduates based on Outcome Bassed Education. This study aims to: 1) Describe the Learning Outcomes Based on Educatio n in the Independent Curriculum in the PAI UIN Sunan Kalijaga Study Program in the analysis of Jhon Dewey's Philosophy of Progressivism. 2) Knowing Actualization Learning Outcomes Based on Outcome Based Education in the Independent Learning Curriculum in the Semester Learning Plan at the PAI UIN Sunan Kalijaga Study Program. This research produces three conclusions, namely: First, progressivism education also requires that learning is not just learning theory but how students can apply it in everyday life. In the current independent learning curriculum, the author finds many similarities between MBKM and Jhon Dewey's progressivism, especially towards the curriculum concept, namely OBE-based CPL. Second, Graduate Learning Outcomes (CPL) based on outcome based education (OBE) is a curriculum framework that refers to the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework KKNI and SN-Dikti, aiming to create a system that is not restrained. Third, Actualization of RPS OBE owned by the study program to be able to create outcome, output of educators and educational institutions in directing students to graduate profiles.} }