@mastersthesis{digilib63655, month = {January}, title = {PENGARUH KONSEP DIRI AKADEMIK DAN SIKAP SOSIAL TERHADAP MOTIVASI BELAJAR DAN DAMPAK SELANJUTNYA TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR PAI SISWA KELAS VI SD N LEMPUYANGAN 1 YOGYAKARTA}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 21204012047 Hasan Ibadin}, year = {2024}, note = {Pembimbing: Prof. Dr. Sukiman, M.Pd}, keywords = {Konsep Diri Akademik, Sikap Sosial, Motivasi Belajar, Hasil Belajar}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/63655/}, abstract = {The success and failure of students' PAI learning outcomes is influenced by several factors, both those originating from within (internal) and those from outside (external) of the individual or student. Factors that influence PAI learning outcomes are academic self-concept and social attitudes. Not only that, learning motivation or encouragement to learn is one of the answers for students to improve and get maximum PAI learning results. The purpose of this research is to determine: 1) the influence of academic self-concept on student learning motivation, 2) the influence of social attitudes on student learning motivation, 3) the direct influence of academic self-concept on PAI learning outcomes, 4) the direct influence of social attitudes on PAI learning outcomes , 5) the influence of learning motivation on PAI learning outcomes, 6) the influence of academic self-concept on PAI learning outcomes through learning motivation, 7) the influence of social attitudes on PAI learning outcomes through learning motivation. This research is a type of quantitative research and includes associative research. This research is classified as population research with a total of 75 respondents. Data collection techniques use questionnaires, documentation, observation and interviews. Technical data analysis uses descriptive analysis, regression analysis and path analysis with the help of SPSS version 23 for Windows software. The results of the research show that: (1) there is a positive influence of academic self-concept on student learning motivation of 48.9\% with a calculated t value of 5.599 {\ensuremath{>}} t table 2.377 and a sig value of 0.000 {\ensuremath{<}}0.05, (2) there is a positive influence of social attitudes on student learning motivation of 58.7\% with a calculated t value of 6.720 {\ensuremath{>}} t table 2.377 and a sig value of 0.000 {\ensuremath{<}} 0.05, (3) there is a positive influence of academic self-concept on PAI learning outcomes of 77.3\% with a calculated t value amounting to 26.134 {\ensuremath{>}} t table 2.377 and a sig value of 0.000 {\ensuremath{<}} 0.05, (4) there is a positive influence of social attitudes on student PAI learning outcomes of 48.8\% with a calculated t value of 15.507 {\ensuremath{>}} t table 2.377 and a sig value of 0.000 {\ensuremath{<}} 0 .05, (5) there is a positive influence of learning motivation on students' PAI learning outcomes of 21.3\% with a calculated t value of 6.393 {\ensuremath{>}} t table 2.377 and a sig value of 0.000 {\ensuremath{<}} 0.05, (6) there is an indirect influence of academic self-concept on PAI learning outcomes through student learning motivation is 10.41\% with a calculated t value of 4.293 {\ensuremath{>}} t table 2.377 and a sig value of 0.000 {\ensuremath{<}} 0.05, (7) there is an indirect influence of social attitudes on PAI learning outcomes through student learning motivation of 12 .50\% with a calculated t value of 4.677 {\ensuremath{>}} t table 2.377 and a sig value of 0.000 {\ensuremath{<}} 0.05.} }