%A NIM.: 21200011106 Firdaus Akbar %O Pembimbing: Dr. Munirul Ikhwan, Lc., M.A. %T MEMPEROLEH KEMBALI EKSPRESI KEPEMUDAAN: MEMBACA ANAK MUDA ARAB SAUDI PASCA KEBIJAKAN VISI SAUDI 2030 %X Saudi Vision 2030 is a plan to reduce Saudi Arabia's dependence on the petroleum sector so that it has a significant impact on the social and religious sectors. This vision contains the slogan "moderate-balance" which is interpreted as an effort to facilitate the transformation process. Previously, Saudi society tended to be conservative and skeptical about globalization. Supported by the understanding of Wahhabism which often rejects new products that are deemed not in accordance with their rules. The religious police take part in executing the regulations that have been passed. After this breakthrough was initiated, Islamic institutions began to receive attention from the government to align their vision and goals. Apart from that, Muslim clerics and scholars who are deemed to disagree with the kingdom will be disqualified from their positions. Rules regarding gender are gradually starting to be relaxed to facilitate the globalization process that occurs in public places, workplaces, schools, entertainment or tourism. This policy has an impact on young Saudis who are experiencing a transition period towards modernization. The guardianship system that binds women is slowly being changed to suit Saudi Arabia's social conditions. This transformation process creates a new space for young people to regain freedom of expression. The Saudi vision opens the way to a Saudi Arabia that is modern, transparent and loose but still adheres to the rules that have been created. To find out the activities of Saudi young people, researchers used observation methods in social spaces via the internet. Researchers took a sample of four Saudi young people who were considered to represent young Saudis in expressing their youth. By observing the social media of the four samples, researchers found that they had regained space for expression, although it was still limited in political aspects. Researchers also observed young people's interest in social media, which is certainly not homogeneous. For example, Instagram is mostly used to showcase visualizations, YouTube to display entertainment videos and Twitter to respond to social phenomena in society. The output of Saudi Vision 2030 is able to provide wider space for the activities of young Saudis, making it easier for them to express their youth according to their respective interests. %K Visi Saudi 2030, Anak Muda, Arab Saudi, Media Sosial %D 2024 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib63716