%A NIM.: 21200012022 Alif Muhammad Zakaria %O Pembimbing: Dr. Ramadhanita Mustika Sari %T MANIFESTASI KESALEHAN RITUAL & SOSIAL DALAM MEREDUKSI KESEPIAN LANSIA DI PONDOK PESANTREN SEPUH MASJID AGUNG PAYAMAN %X This research aims to analyze the manifestation of ritual and social piety, as well as its role in reducing loneliness for the elderly at the Sepuh Islamic Boarding School at the Great Mosque of Payaman. This type of research is qualitative with a phenomenological approach. Data was collected through interviews, observation and documentation. Data were analyzed using the Miles and Huberman model, namely reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. Source and method triangulation techniques are used to ensure the validity of the data. This research shows that the manifestation of ritual piety in the elderly at the Sepuh Islamic Boarding School at the Great Payaman Mosque can be seen through the discipline of carrying out obligatory and sunnah worship, a strong desire to carry out worship outside the schedule, such as sunnah fasting, reading the Koran, and doing dhikr. Meanwhile, social piety among the elderly at the Sepuh Islamic Boarding School at the Great Payaman Mosque is reflected in the behavior of offering help to sick colleagues, sharing and respecting differences of opinion. Ritual and social piety and loneliness are two sides of the same coin. Even though the elderly experience loneliness, ritual and social piety give rise to feelings of peace, calm, joy, gratitude and harmony. So that ritual and social piety have a role for the elderly in continuously reducing loneliness at the Sepuh Islamic Boarding School at the Great Mosque of Payaman so that loneliness does not mutate into stress and depression. %K Kesepian, Lansia, Kesalehan, Pendidikan Islam, Pondok Pesantren %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib63724