%A NIM.: 18106040047 Irfan Zidni %O Pembimbing: Ardyan Pramudya Kurniawan, S.Si., M.Si. %T BIODIVERSITAS DAN POLA PERSEBARAN MAKROALGA DI PANTAI KARAPYAK, JAWA BARAT %X Macroalgae are benthic organisms and belong to the low-level plant that have the ability of photosynthesis. This research aims to study the types of macroalgae, distribution patterns, diversity levels, uniformity, dominance of macroalgae abundance, and to determine environmental factors that influence the presence of macroalgae in Karapyak Beach, West Java. This research was conducted using the line transect method consisting of three stations. Observations were made directly by counting, recording, and taking macroalgae samples for identification. Data analysis includes descriptive analysis to analyze macroalgae characteristics and quantitative analysis to calculate data including Diversity Index (H’), Evenness Index (E), and Dominance Index (D). Environmental parameters taken include water temperature, water salinity, water pH, light intensity, dissolved oxygen (DO), nitrate, and phosphate analyzed using Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA). The research results showed 16 species of macroalgae from three divisions, namely Chlorophyta division (6 species), Rhodophyta division (4 species), and Phaeophyta division (6 species). The results of the macroalgae diversity index value at each station indicate a moderate level of diversity (station 1: 1.51; station 2: 2.15; station 3: 1.86). The evenness index value of station 1: 0.54 (moderate); station 2: 0.77 (high); station 3: 0.67 (moderate). The dominance index value of each station indicates a low level of dominance (station 1: 0.32; station 2: 0.14; and station 3: 0.22). The difference in index values can be influenced by various environmental factors, both physical, chemical, and biological. The CCA analysis results showed an even distribution of macroalgae species with eigenvalues of 1.003 and had a strong correlation between macroalgae species and environmental factors. %K Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA); Keanekaragaman; Makroalga; Pantai Karapyak %D 2024 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib63753