%A NIM.: 19106040023 Adelia Stevanie %O Pembimbing: Lela Susilawati, S.Pd., M.Si., PhD., %T APLIKASI BAKTERI INDIGENOUS DARI KULIT KATAK Sumaterana crassiovis SEBAGAI AGENSIA BIOKONTROL FUNGI PATOGEN Fusarium sp. PADA TANAMAN PISANG %X Fusarium wilt disease or Fusarium wilt is the disease that damages banana plants the most and causes economic losses, so it needs to be controlled. Fusarium sp.’s growth can be inhibited by using biological control agents (biocontrol), namely antagonistic bacteria from frog skin because it is known to have antifungal capabilities. The aim of this research is to explore the potential of bacteria from the skin of the S. crassiovis frog in controlling Fusarium sp, the cause of fusarium wilt disease in banana plants. Nine bacterial isolates were isolated from the dorsal skin of frogs (S. crassiovis) and one of them, isolate ScD9, showed the highest inhibition of the growth of Fusarium sp. after antagonist testing using the dual culture method. The results of in vivo tests on greenhouse scale banana var Cavendish plants, the ScD9 isolate showed high biocontrol potential with significanlly lower disease severity percentage compared to the control. %K Bakteri Indigenous, Biokontrol, Fusarium Wilt, Sumaterana Crassiovis %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib63755