%A NIM.: 20200011020 Sinta Ristiyanti %O Pembimbing: Ro‘fah, S.Ag., M.A., Ph.D %T PEMBELAJARAN SAINS INKLUSIF: PERSEPSI GURU SAINS DAN PESERTA DIDIK PENYANDANG DISABILITAS %X Persons with disabilities have equal rights to education and learning, including science. Unfortunately, students with disabilities who have opportunity to learn science are still limited. Teachers are not and still have doubts about students with disabilities in providing science learning. This study has three purposes, wich are to analyze teacher perceptions of science learning for students with disabilities; express the voices of students with disabilities towards inclusive science learning; and analyze strategies to build inclusive science learning. This research takes a qualitative research approach with a case study. The participants involved in the research were 15 person, including students with disabilities, science teachers, special assistant teachers, and school principals. The selection of participants used a purposefully select technique. Research data obtained through interview techniques with participants, observation in learning, and study documentation. The data that has been collected is analyzed through the general stages of qualitative data analysis, namely data preparation and organization, initial immersion, coding, categorization and themes, and interpretation. The coding and categorization of themes is done manually. The results showed that teachers felt challenged in organizing science learning for students with disabilities. Some teachers also revealed that learning science for students with disabilities cannot be done easily. Meanwhile, according to the perception of students with disabilities, they think that learning science is very useful for life. Students with disabilities voiced that inclusive science learning is carried out by providing various methods and involving various activities in learning. The results of this study reveal several strategies that can be used by teachers to encourage inclusive science learning. In lesson planning, learning objectives are adjusted to the diversity of students in the science class. The implementation of science learning can be carried out based on activity, inquiry, varying learning methods, providing core concepts, and cooperative learning. Learning assessment can be done by reducing written tests and providing adaptations. %K pendidikan inklusif; science learning; students with disabilities %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib63777