%A NIIM.: 19103040104 Imam Shodiq %O Pembimbing: Dr. Hj. Siti Fatimah, S.H., M.Hum. %T ANALISIS KINERJA BPD DALAM MEMBANTU PROGRAM BLT DANA DESA BERDASARKAN PERATURAN DESA NOMOR 1 TAHUN 2022 TENTANG RENCANA KERJA PEMERINTAH DESA TAHUN ANGGARAN 2022 %X Village government is the smallest government in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. The village government is in dire need of an institution whose duties and functions as a partner and counterweight so that in running the wheels of village government is not arbitrary in determining a policy. The institution is called the Village Consultative Body or abbreviated to (BPD) which is a legislative body at the village level whose duties and functions as representatives of the people in the village government. The role of BPD is very important in the process of planning village development through MusrembangDes in order to achieve the needs of the community. The existence of BPD institutions is expected to be able to supervise and control the running of the village government so that the policies taken have a positive impact on the community. The author is interested in conducting research in Kalitengah Village to see how the BPD performs in assisting the BLT Village Fund Program, both in terms of planning, determination, and implementation. This research uses field research using a juridical-empirical approach and is qualitative-descriptive in nature. By using field research, it is hoped that the author can describe the facts in the field through data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews with the parties, and documentation related to interview documentation, research submissions, and other data related to the discussion. The result of this study is that the Kalitengah Village BPD in carrying out its duties and functions as a legislative body is quite good regarding its involvement in assisting the BLT Village Fund Program in terms of planning, determining, and overseeing the implementation of the program. In the planning process of the BLT-Dana Desa program, the Kalitengah Village BPD always supervises through MusrembangDes, where all elements of the community participate in the planning, thus opening up space for aspirations to create a good democracy. In addition to the MusrembangDes, the Kalitengah Village BPD also held a Special Village Deliberation (Musyawarah Desa Khusus), which was related to the determination of prospective BLT Dana Desa recipients, and the Special Village Deliberation (Musyawarah Desa Khusus) prevented any misappropriation and mistakes. However, in the implementation of the BLT Dana Desa program, there are still obstacles in the form of inequality factors due to the limited quota of BLT Dana Desa recipients. %K Kinerja Badan Permusyawaratan Desa, Program BLT Dana Desa %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib63789