relation: title: ANALISIS TERHADAP TINDAKAN ORANG TUA KEPADA KELUARGA ANAKNYA : STUDI KELUARGA DALAM PERKARA PUTUSAN PENGADILAN AGAMA TALU SUMATERA BARAT NOMOR 446/Pdt.G/2023/PA.TALU creator: Rozin Haikal, NIM.: 20103050013 subject: Hukum Keluarga description: Every individual invariably has parents, who ideally would provide the best assistance in resolving any issues faced by their children. However, in reality, not all parents fulfill this role, as evident in a family involved in the case with the Religious Court Decision of Talu Number 446/Pdt.G/2023/PA.Talu, which became the cause of the destruction of their children's family due to the influence of intervention by the parents of the male party. The intervention occurred frequently, even escalating to the extent of threatening to withhold support if their children, both the male and female, did not comply with the wishes of the parents of the male party. This research aims to explore how parents can influence the resilience of their children's family, viewed through the concept of a harmonious family as defined by Muhammad Quraish Shihab. The study employs the theories of family resilience and birrul walidain, which are suitable for analyzing this case. The research method employed is library research or literature review, focusing on the family in the case mentioned in the Religious Court Decision of Talu Number 446/Pdt.G/2023/PA.Talu. Additionally, data was obtained through interviews with the chief judge to gather detailed information not present in the decision. The research is analyzed using the descriptive-analytical analysis technique. The results of this research indicate that the male parents involved in the case of the Religious Court Decision of Talu Number 446/Pdt.G/2023/PA.Talu do not reflect the concept of a harmonious family by Muhammad Quraish Shihab, which comprises four key points: partner selection, marriage based on love, family tranquility, and sacrifice with sincerity. A clear indicator of the misalignment of the male parents with the concept of a harmonious family by Muhammad Quraish Shihab can be observed in their inappropriate interference, leading to conflicts and disputes that became the starting point for divorce. If the understanding of the extended family reaches this stage, intervention or interference will occur only to the necessary extent and in an appropriate proportion, not as indicated in this decision. date: 2024-01-23 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Rozin Haikal, NIM.: 20103050013 (2024) ANALISIS TERHADAP TINDAKAN ORANG TUA KEPADA KELUARGA ANAKNYA : STUDI KELUARGA DALAM PERKARA PUTUSAN PENGADILAN AGAMA TALU SUMATERA BARAT NOMOR 446/Pdt.G/2023/PA.TALU. Skripsi thesis, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA.