%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A Muhammad Agil Syari’ati Kusnadi, NIM.: 20103050024 %B FAKULTAS SYARI’AH DAN HUKUM %D 2024 %F digilib:63811 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Poligami, Asas Monogami, Pendapat Ulama %P 118 %T POLIGAMI KARENA ISTERI TIDAK INGIN MEMPUNYAI ANAK: ANALISIS ASAS MONOGAMI DAN PENDAPAT ULAMA TERHADAP PUTUSAN PENGADILAN AGAMA SLEMAN NOMOR 285/Pdt.G/2023/PA.Smn %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/63811/ %X Polygamy is a man who has more than one wife. Islamic teachings limit the maximum limit for a polygamous man to only having four wives. Polygamy in Indonesia is regulated in Law No. 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage and the Compilation of Islamic Law. The principle of monogamy in civil marriage law in Indonesia could be invalidated if there is a decision on an application fo a polygamy permit. This can happen if the parties have agreed, for a husband who is a polygamist and a wife who is willing to be polygamous. The principle of monogamy is stated in the Civil Code. The type of research is library research which is descriptive in nature. The data source used in this research is documentation, namely the decision of the Sleman Religious Court Judge No. 285/Pdt.G/2023.PA Smn as supporting data. In analyzing existing problems, the authors used qualitative data analysis methods using inductive thinking, namely by examining the decision of the Sleman Religious Court No. 285/Pdt.G/2023/PA.Smn specifically, then the decision uses a juridical-normative approach, whether the judge’s decision is in accordance with the principle of monogamy and the opinion of ulama. The result of this research show that it is. The result of this research show that the basis of the judge’s considerations in deciding this case was for the benefit of the public, based on written and unwritten law as well as various considerations according to the existing context. In this case the judge ruled out monogamy, because basically the rules were made to create order and benefit. The review of Islamic law (opinion of scholars) regarding the legal basis and considerations of the Judge in deciding this case is in accordance with Islamic law. In acting, judges not only accommodate the rules set by the state, but also accommodate the velues of Islamic teachings, namely benefit and avoiding evil. %Z Pembimbing: Bustanul Arifien Rusydi, S.H., M.H.