%A NIM.: 20103070002 Aldi Amirullah %O Pembimbing: Proborini Hastuti, M.H %T PERBANDINGAN KEDUDUKAN MAJELIS RAKYAT PAPUA DALAM PEMEKARAN PROVINSI PAPUA (SEBELUM DAN SESUDAH PERUBAHAN UNDANG-UNDANG OTONOMI KHUSUS BAGI PROVINSI PAPUA) %X Papua is one of the regions that has been given special autonomy in Indonesia since 2001. One of the provisions in this special autonomy is the MRP's right to give approval to plans for the expansion of provinces in Papua. This provision is an adjustment to the fundamental differences that Papua province has with other provinces. in Indonesia. However, after changes were made based on Law 2/2021, approval of the provincial expansion plan in Papua is no longer solely the right of the MRP, because the President and DPR have also been given the authority to decide on the provincial expansion plan in Papua. This provision creates a conflict of interest between the MRP and the President and DPR. This research is normative legal research that is descriptive-analytical in nature with data sourced from literature searches. The arguments developed in this research are the result of qualitative analysis after being dissected using the theories of democracy, asymmetric decentralization, and fikh siyasah. The results of this research show that there is a shift in the commitment of legislators in providing special autonomy for Papua Province, especially in relation to the expansion mechanism, so that there is a change in the position of the MRP in the expansion of the Province in Papua %K Otsus, MRP, Demokrasi, Desentralisasi Asimetris, Fikih Siyasah %D 2024 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib63822