<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "DAMPAK UTANG DALAM TRADISI NYALENIH DAN APETRAEH PASCA KHITBAH DI DESA BADDURIH KECAMATAN PADEMAWU KABUPATEN PAMEKASAN"^^ . "Indonesian society is a society that highly respects the ancestral traditions\r\nthat have been passed down. This tradition touches various aspects of life, including\r\nin the realm of khitbah. The khitbah is one of the processions in a wedding leading\r\nup to the contract by creating a bond between the two prospective bride and groom\r\nso that they get to know each other. The implementation of khitbah in each region\r\nin Indonesia certainly has its own characteristics in accordance with its traditions,\r\none of which is in Baddurih Village, Pademawu District, Pamekasan Regency.\r\nWhere there is a tradition of nyalenih, namely giving a set of clothes to the\r\nprospective bride and apetraeh, namely paying zakat fitrah to the prospective bride\r\nafter the khitbah process. In contrast to other areas on Madura Island which only\r\nencourage this tradition, in Baddurih Village it is interesting because these two\r\ntraditions are considered an obligation. But on the other hand, this obligation\r\ncauses men to go into debt so that they can be nyalenih and apetraeh. When the\r\ndebt is normal and reasonable, of course it is not a problem. But if men object to\r\nthis tradition due to debt, then that is the problem. This is what is interesting for the\r\nauthor to examine, where a habit should be good, but instead it creates debt for one\r\nof the parties.\r\nThis type of research is field research, with qualitative methods. The nature\r\nof this research is analytical descriptive, while the approach used by the authors is\r\nan empirical normative approach with an 'urf review. The data sources consist of\r\nprimary data and secondary data. Primary data, namely 5 residents who practice\r\nnyalenih and apetraeh traditions, as well as local traditional and religious leaders.\r\nSecondary data, namely books, journals, kitab and articles related to the focus of\r\nthis research. Data collection techniques in this research consist of interviews,\r\ndocumentation and literature study, and the framework of thought used in data\r\nanalysis is the deductive-inductive method.\r\nThe results of the research show that the nyalenih and apetraeh traditions\r\nin Baddurih Village, have several impacts, including: first, for people who do not\r\ncarry out this tradition, it can threaten the continuity of the khitbah and receive bad\r\ngossip from the prospective bride's family. Second, there are some people who are\r\nwilling to go into debt in order to carry out the nyalenih and apetraeh traditions\r\nwithout objection. Third, the prospective groom's obligation to pay zakat fitrah\r\n(apetraeh) to the prospective bride. The nyalenih and apetraeh traditions carried\r\nout by the people of Baddurih Village are in principle good because they are giving.\r\nHowever, this act can be classified as al-'Urf al-fāsid because it can give rise to\r\nexcessive debt for the man so that he feels objectionable, is limited/specific, gives\r\nrise to ungodliness and injustice so that it is contrary to the qath'i postulates of al-\r\nQur'an and al-Hadith."^^ . "2024-01-22" . . . . "UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . "FAKULTAS SYARI’AH DAN HUKUM, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . . . . . . . "NIM.: 21203012051"^^ . "Adji Pratama Putra"^^ . "NIM.: 21203012051 Adji Pratama Putra"^^ . . . . . . "DAMPAK UTANG DALAM TRADISI NYALENIH DAN APETRAEH PASCA KHITBAH DI DESA BADDURIH KECAMATAN PADEMAWU KABUPATEN PAMEKASAN (Text)"^^ . . . . . "21203012051_BAB-I_IV-atau-V_DAFTAR-PUSTAKA.pdf"^^ . . . "DAMPAK UTANG DALAM TRADISI NYALENIH DAN APETRAEH PASCA KHITBAH DI DESA BADDURIH KECAMATAN PADEMAWU KABUPATEN PAMEKASAN (Text)"^^ . . . . . "DAMPAK UTANG DALAM TRADISI NYALENIH DAN APETRAEH PASCA KHITBAH DI DESA BADDURIH KECAMATAN PADEMAWU KABUPATEN PAMEKASAN (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "DAMPAK UTANG DALAM TRADISI NYALENIH DAN APETRAEH PASCA KHITBAH DI DESA BADDURIH KECAMATAN PADEMAWU KABUPATEN PAMEKASAN (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "DAMPAK UTANG DALAM TRADISI NYALENIH DAN APETRAEH PASCA KHITBAH DI DESA BADDURIH KECAMATAN PADEMAWU KABUPATEN PAMEKASAN (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "DAMPAK UTANG DALAM TRADISI NYALENIH DAN APETRAEH PASCA KHITBAH DI DESA BADDURIH KECAMATAN PADEMAWU KABUPATEN PAMEKASAN (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "DAMPAK UTANG DALAM TRADISI NYALENIH DAN APETRAEH PASCA KHITBAH DI DESA BADDURIH KECAMATAN PADEMAWU KABUPATEN PAMEKASAN (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "DAMPAK UTANG DALAM TRADISI NYALENIH DAN APETRAEH PASCA KHITBAH DI DESA BADDURIH KECAMATAN PADEMAWU KABUPATEN PAMEKASAN (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "DAMPAK UTANG DALAM TRADISI NYALENIH DAN APETRAEH PASCA KHITBAH DI DESA BADDURIH KECAMATAN PADEMAWU KABUPATEN PAMEKASAN (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "DAMPAK UTANG DALAM TRADISI NYALENIH DAN APETRAEH PASCA KHITBAH DI DESA BADDURIH KECAMATAN PADEMAWU KABUPATEN PAMEKASAN (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . "HTML Summary of #63871 \n\nDAMPAK UTANG DALAM TRADISI NYALENIH DAN APETRAEH PASCA KHITBAH DI DESA BADDURIH KECAMATAN PADEMAWU KABUPATEN PAMEKASAN\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "Adat Istiadat" . . . "Adat - 'Urf" . .