@phdthesis{digilib63933, month = {January}, title = {RESEPSI JAMA?AH TABLIGH TERHADAP HADIST MUSLIM DALAM TRADISI MAKAN BERJAMA?AH PADA MALAM JUMAT DI MASJID JAMI? AL-ITTIHAAD DESA CATURTUNGGAL, DEPOK SLEMAN}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 20105050088 M. Peter Alparizi}, year = {2024}, note = {Pembimbing: Dadi Nurhaedi S.Ag.M.Si}, keywords = {Living Hadis, Makan Berjamaah, Jama'ah Tabligh}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/63933/}, abstract = {The purpose of this research is to understand the living hadith in the communal eating reception as a learning method for the Tabligh congregation at the Jami? Al-Ijtihad Mosque. This is a field research conducted at the Jami? Al-Ijtihad Mosque in Caturtunggal Village, Depok Sleman. Ahmad Rapiq's performative reception theory is the approach used by the researcher in this study. The data sources include primary and secondary data. Primary data is obtained through interviews with informants such as mosque administrators (takmir), teachers, muezzins, and Tabligh congregation members at the Jami? Al-Ijtihad Mosque. Observational methods are also used during communal meals at the mosque. Secondary data is gathered from references related to the theories and methods used by the researcher in books. The data collection techniques employed by the researcher include interviews, observation, and documentation. This thesis focuses on the practice of communal eating as a learning method at the Jami? Al-Ittihaad Mosque and examines the reception of takmir, teachers, muezzins, and Tabligh congregation members towards hadith related to communal eating. The research results reveal, firstly, that communal eating practices at the Jami? Al-Ittihaad Mosque are taught as a learning method based on the eating habits of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). This teaching is conducted directly by Gus Jamaluddin, assisted by Ustad Ubaidillah, and other teachers. There are two types of communal meals: one for the general public and one specifically for the Tabligh congregation. Communal meals for the Tabligh congregation and the general public take place every Friday night during the holy month of Ramadan, while special communal meals for guests and new Tabligh congregation members are held every Friday night. The reception of the.... The reception of the Tablighi Jamaat towards the implementation of communal dining varies among its members, with some understanding the relevant hadith (sayings of Prophet Muhammad) and others not grasping its significance. Those who comprehend the hadith routinely adhere to this tradition, while those who lack understanding occasionally participate. The communal dining tradition practiced by the Tablighi Jamaat is based on the hadith of Prophet Muhammad SAW. The origin of this tradition can be traced back to the textual interpretation of the hadith by K.H. Na?man Zaini in 1989, followed by Gus Jamaluddin and other Tablighi Jamaat members at the Jami? Al-Ittihaad mosque.This study falls into two receptions, namely exegesis reception and functional reception. Exegesis reception relates to the understanding and interpretation of the hadith, while functional reception concerns how the communal dining tradition is implemented in daily practice.In the execution of communal dining, Gus Jamaluddin is recognized as someone with a deeper understanding of the foundations of this practice. The hadith used as the basis for communal dining is narrated by Muslim. This hadith serves as the foundation for Gus Jamaluddin and the Tablighi Jamaat in their communal dining tradition.} }