%A NIM.: 07140089 Suharti %O Pembimbing: Drs. Purwono, M.Si. %T KINERJA PUSTAKAWAN AHLI DILIHAT DARI ASPEK PENGEMBANGAN PROFESI DI PERPUSTAKAAN UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA YOGYAKARTA %X Purpose this research are for know a one of performance analysis senior librarians look it from profession development aspect in Gadjah Mada University of Library Yogyakarta and to step by step of creative writing on performance analysis senior librarians look it from profession development aspect in Gadjah Mada University of Library Yogyakarta. Researcher only research about totally products from senior librarians three of making scientific writes, translate from book or any matters, group writing for publications in information, documentation and library with recommendation SK MENPAN No. 132/KEP/M.PAN/12/2002 and Peraturan Kepala Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia 2008 about Petunjuk Teknis Jabatan Fungsional Pustakawan dan Angka Kreditnya in Gadjah Mada University Library. And then for senior librarians productive or not productive on writing to get information not write and creative writing process. Research method with kualitatif. Subject research are 23 senior librarians from SK MENPAN No. 132/KEP/M/.PAN/12/2002 in Gadjah Mada University of Library. Data analysis using kualitatif data analysis with tabulation and discussion technics. And for check avaibility with triangulation. Research products totally performance senior librarians look it from profession development aspect in Gadjah Mada University of Library Yogyakarta are 37 titles and 279 documents until periods 2004 – Mei 2009. And Senior librarians with creative writing have four step by steps. First step is idea preparing writing, second step is idea ekspression, third steps is idea development and fourth steps is idea perfectly. Suggestions for upgrade level performance expecially on senior librarian profession development and if want write to studies with skills creative writing. %K Kinerja, Pustakawan Ahli, Proses Kreatif Menulis, Pengembangan Profesi %D 2010 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib64265