%0 Thesis %9 Doctoral %A Maulidya Ulfah, NIM.: 19300016050 %B PASCASARJANA %D 2024 %F digilib:64328 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K neuroparenting; early-childhood nurturing; brain optimizing; Islamic education, educative stimuli %P 316 %T PENGEMBANGAN MODEL NEUROPARENTING DALAM PENDIDIKAN ISLAM ANAK USIA DINI %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/64328/ %X Developed in education and parenting studies, neuroscience has been growing fast. Yet, it has not been largely applied for early childhood nurturing. This research aims to: 1) describe parenting practiced in RA district and town of Cirebon, West Java; 2) create a neuroparenting model for early childhood Islamic education; 3) describe the feasibility of neuroparenting model for early childhood Islamic education; 4) test the model on the students’ parents; 5) describe the effectiveness of the model in the students’ parents. Taking 4D-model of Research and Development a method, the study was carried out in 4 steps: defining, designing, developing, and disseminating. While data were obtained through observation, interviews, questionnaires, and tests, the product’s performance was measured by eight experts – comprising four material experts at neuroscience, parenting, early-childhood education, and psychology; two linguists; two media and instructional-design experts, and four colleagues. Forty parents and children from 4 RAs of Cirebon district and town took part in this research. Data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive, and product’s validity effectiveness was tested under statistical description. The results include the followings. 1) Parenting in RAs has been run within scheduled participation schemes in the form of Parentsgathering Class (KPO), parents-consult day, Parent involvement in gathering activities (KODAB), Parent involvement in the children’s class group and home visit but neuroparenting has never been discussed. It is seen from the analysis of need that 75% of parents understands the goals of parenting, but 100% of parents does not know brain development-based stimulation. 80% admits making a parenting mistake. 2) The product, a conceptual model, developed in neuroparenting model consists of: a) early childhood braindevelopment- base parenting knowledge; b) early childhood development and characteristics; c) positive brain-friendly parenting; d) parents’ brain-balance emotion maintenance; e) effective communication; f) healthy brain; g) brain-friendly activity varieties; and h) character building; 3) Experts’ assessments results are 84.67%, 84.67%, 88.67% and 83% from material experts, linguists, media and instructional design experts and colleagues respectively. These results are all very feasible; 4) Parents from RA Aisyiyah, RA Baiturrahman, RA Al Wasliyah and RA Tahfidz al Qur’an At Taqwa involved in the product trials by joining a training on parenting, instilling neuroparenting and getting the children habituated to it; 5) Pre-test and post-test score evaluation shows a significant increase after applying the product. The significant increase is also experienced by the students whose parents practice what neuroparenting book suggests. The result of parent evaluation is -14.025 with a 95% interval of confidence between -15.244 and -12.806 or t = 23.264 and degree of freedom = 39 and significant p-value = 0.00 < 0.05. In addition, the children development observation is -13.975 with a 95% interval of confidence between -15.744 and -12.206, or t value of -15.981 and pvalue of 0.000. This study provides a significant contribution to neuroparenting concept and early-childhood Islamic education integration presents a practical guidance for parents. It affects parents’ awareness of the importance of quality parenting, the improvement of knowledge of and skill at children’s growth and development stimulation, and character building. The book can be used as a teaching material in parenting training program for parents whose children go to early childhood schools. %Z Pembimbing: Promotor I Prof. Dr. Sekar Ayu Aryani, M. Ag. dan Promotor II Prof. Dr. Hj. Maemonah, M.Ag. Prof. Dr. Hj. Maemonah, M.Ag.