%A NIM.: 17300016021 Adi Haironi %O Promotor I: Prof. Dr. H. Sutrisno, M.Ag. dan Promotor II Prof. Dr. Sukiman, M.Pd. %T KONSTRUKSI PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER ANAK YATIM (Studi di Pondok Pesantren Abdurrozaq Fachruddin Yogyakarta dan Pondok Pesantren Ubay Bin Kaab Jawa Tengah) %X Character education for the orphans needs a specific design, which is different from the one for students in general, and yet it has not been a major concern. There are two objectives in this study: to analyze the character education for the orphans in two Islamic Boarding Schools (Abdurrozaq Fachruddin of Yogyakarta and Ubay Bin Kaab of Central Java), and to search for an ideal design of the education in accordance with the findings. This qualitative research employed a case study in two Boarding Schools. The research subjects involve the caretakers, class teacher, teacher council and students of the two schools. Samples, whose criteria had been determined in advance, were sorted under purposive sampling technique. After being collected through observation, interview and documentation, the data were analyzed under the following steps: data condensation, data display, data verification and conclusion. The data validity was tested using triangulation, member checking, prolonged observation, and document checking. The results show that the design of character education for the orphans in Abdurrozaq Fachruddin boarding school is an Integrative- Futuristic, while Religious-Conservative is in Ubay Bin Kaab. The Integrative-Futuristic design is carried out in collaboration with, and is integrated in, Muhammadiyah cadre course, Islam education and other subjects supported by Muhammadiyah boarding school tradition. Religious-Conservative design of Ubay Bin Kaab boarding school, on the other hand, is held through a collaboration between Islamic values and academic ones. The collaboration is supported by some programs, like preaching, tarbiyah, worshiping, and social. The ideal design of character education for the orphans, according to the research findings in the two schools, is the Religious-Futuristic. The what-the-orphan-need-base design must coincide with Islamic and academic value aspects, comprising spiritual, independence, responsibility, emotion, social, creativity, and inclusion. The education component to study the Religious-Futuristic education is viewed from the philosophical, objective, method, and evaluation aspects. Character education for the orphans under Religious- Futuristic concept is expected to promote the availability of character education, specifically designed for the orphans. %K character education; orphans; pondok pesantren %D 2024 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib64379