%A NIM.: 05650005 Habib Ali %O Pembimbing: Shofwatul’Uyun, M.Kom. dan Rahmi Diana, MA, Psikolog %T INTERPRETASI TES KEMATANGAN EMOSIONAL REMAJA BERBASIS WEB %X The emotional maturity of someone maybe the same or different of each other. Measuring a good level of emotional maturity is through test, emotional maturity test is one of a variety of existing psychological test, this test is used to measure and provide a preliminary description of emotional maturity. In general, the implementation of emotional maturity test done manually for example by distributing quosioner, this mode has a disanvantage in term of time and speed so that people who wants to try a test of emotional maturity some times have to manually calculate the score to see the test result This research tried to build a test application in the specialized emotional maturity for teenager through information technology. This application is implemented with HTML and PHP programming language,the data in this appplication is stored in the database sever using MySQL as as a database management system. The research method is developemental research using SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) with the waterfall model which stages are stage of requirements(identification of need), analysis, design, implementation and testing. The resulting system has the ability to display the score of each answer, total score, and the explanation of test results based on a predefined scale. This emotional maturity testing system is expected to provide solution simplify teenager in conducting the test and know the results quickly wherever located because the application can be run online by using internet as weel as walking through the neighbourhood localhost %K Tes Kematangan Emosional, Remaja, PHP, Web %D 2011 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib64390