%0 Thesis %9 Masters %A Nurmu‟izzatin Zaharatul Parhi, S.H, NIM.: 21203011073 %B FAKULTAS SYARIAH DAN HUKUM %D 2024 %F digilib:64483 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K underage marriage; legality; dispensasi kawin %P 148 %T RELASI ANTARA LEMBAGA HUKUM NEGARA DENGAN LEMBAGA HUKUM ADAT DALAM KETENTUAN PERKAWINAN DI BAWAH UMUR (STUDI KASUS DI DESA BAGIK PAYUNG SELATAN KECAMATAN SURALAGA KABUPATEN LOMBOK TIMUR) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/64483/ %X Underage marriages often occur in South Bagik Payung Village. In the event of a deviation from the minimum age of marriage, the community can apply for marriage dispensation to the court. Interestingly, the rejection of the application for marriage dispensation permit did not stop the community from holding marriages, but the community continued underage marriages through the permission of community leaders in South Bagik Payung Village. The question in this study is: Why do community leaders grant permission for underage marriages to be denied dispensation by the Religious Courts? What is the legality of underage marriage according to customary law and state law? How is the relationship between state law and customary law in the implementation of underage marriage. This research includes field research using qualitative methods. To understand the reasons why community leaders gave permission for underage marriages to continue without permission from the court. The compiler used the theory of legal pluralism. The results of this study are: First, the reason for allowing underage marriage is simply to maintain social order in communities that carry out underage marriages. Second, underage marriage according to state law is invalid, because it does not get legality or a strong legal protection before the law, while according to customary law underage marriage is valid according to marriage standards according to customary law, where the standard of validity of marriage according to customary law is in accordance with Islamic law. Third, the relationship between state law and customary law in cases of underage marriage is the dominance of customary law over state law, as evidenced by the continued implementation of underage marriage, even without the permission of dispensation from the court. %Z Pembimbing: Prof. Dr. Ali Sodiqin, M.Ag.